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UPDATE: Heads up! There are 24h left, so now is the time to take advantage of the amazing deals and upgrade your collections. Eyes on the price, Boo, eyes on the price!

Years ago, the Baldur's Gate series changed the way we look at gaming and the scope of what was considered possible. Even now, the legacy continues through the Enhanced Editions – thanks to the hard work and years of updates to keep the inimitable Infinity Engine living on.

It's the work on the Enhanced Editions that made <span class="bold">Siege of Dragonspear</span> possible – the just-released, massive expansion to the timeless classic, available only for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

"The team at Beamdog was able to breathe a new life into the Infinity Engine classics." says Greg Tito, Communications Director for Dungeons & Dragons "We're proud to recognize their excellent work in offering the best possible experience and support for these legendary titles. We want these to become the definitive editions – featuring both the enhanced and classic versions of the games."

On April 29, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition will be expanded to include the classic versions – each becoming the Definitive Edition Bundle and not available for purchase separately. If you already own the classics on, the games currently on your shelf won't be affected.

"We're excited to take our commitment and support to Baldur's Gate and GOG fans to the next level and humbled to work with such great partners. The Definitive Edition Bundle will give every Baldur's Gate fan what they're looking for" – concludes Cameron Tofer, Beamdog COO.

In the near future, we're also looking forward to full GOG Galaxy support for achievements in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – as well as in the Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will be 75% off until April 4 11:59 PM PDT / April 5 2:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 BST and 60% off until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 60% discount for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST. The 85% discount for owners of the original saga will last until April 29 10:59 AM PDT / 1:59 PM EDT / 18:59 BST.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by maladr0Id
tinyE: Just started BG 1 EE. It does look kind of funky but I guess I'll get used to it. It sounds stupid to ask but is it locked at that resolution?
hummer010: Two things: you can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, and there is an option on the video settings for scaling the ui. If you have high-ish resolution toggling the scale ui option will make the ui smaller.
I knew about the zoom but not the ui. thank you. :D

And that helps. Nice not having the HUD so teeny tiny.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by tinyE
Is this 85% upgrade price temporary or permanent? I want the upgrades, but don't know if I should spend the money now since I'm kinda broke.
Foxhack: Is this 85% upgrade price temporary or permanent? I want the upgrades, but don't know if I should spend the money now since I'm kinda broke.
I'm broke at the moment as well, but it states near the bottom of the news post that we have until April 29 to get the 85% discount for owning the originals.
Foxhack: Is this 85% upgrade price temporary or permanent? I want the upgrades, but don't know if I should spend the money now since I'm kinda broke.
jadegiant: I'm broke at the moment as well, but it states near the bottom of the news post that we have until April 29 to get the 85% discount for owning the originals.
Well now. I can't read. :D

Thanks for that, I guess I can wait it out until I get some extra spending cash. :)
Foxhack: Well now. I can't read. :D

Thanks for that, I guess I can wait it out until I get some extra spending cash. :)
Well, there's a long wall of text before they finally give us the details, so it's easy to miss :p I'm glad we get almost a month to come up with the money.
low rated
lunaticox: Im not seeing digital editions there, let me tell you, the only reason I did not resort to piracy to get the original games was because I had the option to buy the cheap digital versions avalible in this site, no EE nonsense, no shipping costs, and no dealings with the absurd customs system of my country. Im pretty sure that future customes in situations like mine will have no option other than torrenting if they dont want to pay the extra buck on the EE editions just to get to what they really want.
If you really want the digital download editions of these games from GOG you have until April 29th, they did announce it ahead of time. If you want to use this as an excuse to justify pirating the games, then you're the one making that decision. Do honestly you think GOG unilaterally made the decision on their own to bundle the games together and that Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro had no input in the decision? I'm going to suggest something more proactive, but I wonder how many will actually bother to do it. Has it occurred to you and the others that have voiced their displeasure regarding this decision to directly contact Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro to make their opinions known to the entity that in my opinion is most likely responsible for the decision to bundle the games?
Thank god we have our new, self-appointed moral guardians watching our backs.
ValamirCleaver: Have you played SoD for any substantial length of time yet? [...] Do you have any first hand experience with the game so that you can give a well reasoned even handed opinion [...]?
high rated
lunaticox: Im not seeing digital editions there, let me tell you, the only reason I did not resort to piracy to get the original games was because I had the option to buy the cheap digital versions avalible in this site, no EE nonsense, no shipping costs, and no dealings with the absurd customs system of my country. Im pretty sure that future customes in situations like mine will have no option other than torrenting if they dont want to pay the extra buck on the EE editions just to get to what they really want.
ValamirCleaver: If you really want the digital download editions of these games from GOG you have until April 29th, they did announce it ahead of time. If you want to use this as an excuse to justify pirating the games, then you're the one making that decision. Do honestly you think GOG unilaterally made the decision on their own to bundle the games together and that Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro had no input in the decision? I'm going to suggest something more proactive, but I wonder how many will actually bother to do it. Has it occurred to you and the others that have voiced their displeasure regarding this decision to directly contact Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro to make their opinions known to the entity that in my opinion is most likely responsible for the decision to bundle the games?

Thank god we have our new, self-appointed moral guardians watching our backs.
ValamirCleaver: Have you played SoD for any substantial length of time yet? [...] Do you have any first hand experience with the game so that you can give a well reasoned even handed opinion [...]?
That ones my fault, I did not clarify that I already own all of the infinity engine games available hgere: BG 1-2, Icewind Dale 1-2, and Plancescape Torment.

[EDIT: gee, after reading again the first post I DID imply that I bought them, I have no idea how you reached that conclusion.]

And I own them legally thanks to them being cheap digital releases, seriously, copies of any of these games go for around 170$ dollars in the regional equivalent.

Let that sink in.

But hey, sharing those links was actually useful in comparison to the amazon ones, you know, when the message basically was "if you dont like it shop somewhere else"

I dont think that it will matter, but I certainly will write a couple of emails, if there is even a remote possibilty people dont get the EE´s shoved down their throats.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by lunaticox
Oh no, another internet drama is exploding.. angry kids overreacting and spamming vs crap developers disrespecting classics with their incompetence and out-of-place political views..
Post edited April 04, 2016 by phaolo
phaolo: Oh no, another internet drama is exploding.. angry kids overreacting and spamming vs crap developers disrespecting classics with their incompetence and out-of-place political views..
See also: New Ghostbusters film.

Oh, what a time to be alive.
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Ophelium
Foxhack: Well now. I can't read. :D

Thanks for that, I guess I can wait it out until I get some extra spending cash. :)
jadegiant: Well, there's a long wall of text before they finally give us the details, so it's easy to miss :p I'm glad we get almost a month to come up with the money.
Sure is. I also can't read and thought that I'll miss that. Now my mind is at ease, at least in this subject.
Even tho i dont like the idea of the EE versions, its highly unlikely to be available at this low price for quite a while.
If i have any issues with the game, ill harrass the devs
Post edited April 04, 2016 by Niggles
high rated
I was looking forward to getting this, but I like good stories that take me to a different world, not being forced-fed sjw and feminist re-education bull.

Not buying and will stick with the great originals.
high rated
Socratatus: I was looking forward to getting this, but I like good stories that take me to a different world, not being forced-fed sjw and feminist re-education bull.

Not buying and will stick with the great originals.
I just bought the games, so I hope you are wrong about the feminist re-education stuff being incorporated into the game. I don't know what sjw is though...
phaolo: Oh no, another internet drama is exploding.. angry kids overreacting and spamming vs crap developers disrespecting classics with their incompetence and out-of-place political views..
My thoughts exactly. I picked up the EEs to see if they're any good but I'm going to give the expansion a wide berth. Got better things to do than get involved in a civil war between the hardline American left and the Jon Stewart crowd.
dr.schliemann: Tempted like most of us, but GOG has been a bad boy towards my friend trentonlf and the other users who bought them during the Insomnia Sale, so I will probably pass.

For the other hesitant people: don't waste your time reading the game's reviews, they can't help you in this quandary. You can only listen to this song until you can't think anymore, and then come to a decision: The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go.
trentonlf: Support stepped up. They credited me back my purchase from the insomnia sale and I was able to buy the games at a better discount :-)
I've also contacted them, they haven't even replied. Do you need to contact them in a "certain way" to receive an answer in a timely manner?