DreamedArtist: LOL I did LONG AGO and they said well nothing we can do. and thus I gave up :/
SirPrimalform: They could have... not accepted it for sale?
Sachys: for your information... I found out xenonauts has Steam_api.dll in its folder - and WONT launch without it - just yesterday...
SirPrimalform: That in itself isn't DRM. If the game is running without Steam running (and/or without you having the game registered to your Steam account) then clearly they deactivated the DRM.
not the case sadly - searches for steam, finds steam, demands steam.
thankfully, removing the dll, starting the game again (which fails to start of course) and replacing the dll solves it.
i'd reckon that comes under a drm definition - if not directly drm.
* * * *
and to clarify - before some numpty jumps in - I use gog preferably, but also use steam when not possible / for some early access games that I love (I do hope you have bought NEO SCAVENGER btw) - kickstarter isnt for everybody - same as early access on steam.
there is NO good reason for a GOG version of a game trying to connect to steam on my computer.
Ganni1987: As for the steam_api.dll, a few more games here on GOG come with it. Divinity: Original Sin has it, Rise of the Triad (2013) has it.
still shouldnt be there though - tries to communicate with steam and if found can lock you out of the game.
also, no offense taken at all, and you were not rude - just making a point... from my point.
i had to say "point" twice dammit! O_____o