CMOT70: That's good news. Hopefully Epic will pick this one up and give Steam another kick in the nuts.
darthspudius: Why? A bit immature, is it not? Exclusives as a whole is pretty sad, your attitude makes it worse.
Because bringing Steam down a notch and making it at least try harder will only help the industry in the longer term. Steam is fat and lazy. It's only a store exclusive after all, not like I'd need to buy unique hardware. It like going to Coles instead of Woolworths, they're both right next to me so no big deal.
Edit: All pretty irrelevant anyway, since when I buy Death Stranding (at some point I will because Kojima is legend), it won't be for PC, it will be for my PlayStation. That's because it's hooked up to a 55 inch HDR display with theatre surround and a gaming bed. My PC is hooked up to a monitor and I can't be bothered moving it all the time.