kohlrak: Narcissu was the only one i've really touched, so far, and that was OK, but it just drug on and on and on, and it ended up not answering the quesetions it gave me from the very beginning. I got blue-balled trying to figure out who these people were or why they were in this room or whatever. It's never explained.
clarry: It's been years since I did Narcissu but I wasn't bothered by such a thing. As I recall, it was simply a hospice where the terminally ill are cared for. What their illness is, is kinda besides the point.
Anyway, I really liked Narcissu as well as Side 2nd (prequel to Narcissu, which got released after Narcissu).
See, that's the thing. A guy i respected (who introduced me to alot of really good games, like Morrowind and Deus Ex) wanted me to try Narcissu. I was pretty bored with the idea before i started, but out of respect, i tried it anyway. Ultimately, my only hook to get through it, was trying to figure out the mystery that it presented, which apparently was over-presented, and i've read that alot of people have had the same issue with it. All i really wanted to know was why no one came back after leaving their 3rd time, and why these people were here to begin with. It started off with that concept, and it is pretty peculiar, so you expect that something so peculiar and obviously highlighted to be explained by the end. The end was a bit surprising, but the rest of it was pretty dry. Maybe if i wasn't so stuck on the idea, i could've appreciated the rest more, 'cause i was constantly trying to read between the lines to figure out what was going on with that place.
It was 15 years ago, and all i can remember is how much it blueballed me with the basis for the plot, the long swim, and something trying to resemble a romance.
Let me play devil's advocate: What if he (and, actually, i would fit in this scenario, myself) am a bit more curious about the genre, especially with all the controversy. How would i go about getting a real taste of what the genre's all about without going all in and emptying my wallet just to "give it a shot"?
I think the difficulty here is that "VN" is not so much a genre as it is a medium. So asking for a representative example is kinda like asking for something that represent the non-genre "book." As with books, there are genres, and within genres there are works that target different demographics.
I recently bought and read Highway Blossoms. I think there were some objective qualities that make it not-very-good, but I probably still would've enjoyed it quite a bit more than I did if I were a teenager. I don't think I'm the target demographic for this one. On the other hand, I could probably enjoy a kids / teenagers book, were it executed well enough. (I like most of the Ghibli movies)
Fair enough.