As for recommendations: Pathfinder 2e* if you want extremely rigid (overly so, IMO) forced balance. Every character is within a very narrow mathematical range of every other. Most decisions are just flavor decisions. There's a lot of good in the system, but I am personally of the opinion that RPG decisions, for crunchy mechanical RPGs anyway, should have impact and not just be flavor decisions. It also is gonzo/wonky/over-the-top anything-goes anime style nuts, like "swim up waterfalls" and "jump on clouds" and "shoot while jumping to jump higher" crazy.
PF1e* if you truly want the best crunchy/mechanical experience you probably could ever hope for. Highly customizable if any of the myriad options don't work for you (including 3rd party content or backporting from D&D 3e).
13th Age* is the love child of the designers of D&D 3e and D&D 4e, and it feels like it. A 2nd edition is currently in development, but is expected to be backwards compatible as much as it can be. The system is good for a romp, and the enemies get flavorful neat powers. It's a bit open-ended loosy-goosy outside of combat though.
5e players, PF2 or 13th Age is going to be your easiest conversion... Though don't ignore considering going all the way to to PF1. As a note, all of PF1's core books (that were originally hardcover) are still in print as scaled-down softcover ("pocket editions"), so it's still very much available even physically.
If you want to go outside of "crunchy fantasy RPGs": Fate* is a spectacular narrative-first RPG system. It's crunchy enough still to be a game though. It's all about the players setting "dials" with adding/subtracting customized subsystems to their content. The three default flavors, Core, Accelerated, Condensed -- I prefer Core. Accelerated is best for one-shots or
short arcs. Condensed is, to me, and unnecessary simplification of Core. The Golden and Silver rules, along with Bronze "
Fate fractcal" ("anything can be a character") also makes it good for a wide variety of types of play.
Band of Blades* or
Blades in the Dark* are great for a hybrid (but mostly narrative) game designed around a campaign with a cast of characters and the group "building something" outside of just each individual character. It uses a highly-customized version of
Powered by the Apocalypse*, but changed enough I like it. (I tend not to like PBTA games.)
I, sadly, have too much of a life that there are others I haven't tried to say I recommend or not (tops being
Chaosium BRP*,
Cipher System* and
Savage Worlds [though that may be soon]). I have plenty of other good games I can recommend for niches, but not in a general RPGs post. If someone wants to hear them, let me know.
But if you've never played any RPGs and want to try a single one-shot game... my favorite overall introduction product is the mini-adventure from the (
Unisystem) All Flesh Must be Eaten
demo kit. Don't let the players know or see what it is in advance, lest it ruin the surprise!
*=System is open.