TrevorWilliams: Dark Horse Digital dying really sucks for me. I own almost everything they’ve published, mainly bought back when sales stacked with Black Friday discounts at least. But I’d need multiple large iPads to back everything up, and don’t really have a computer.
Thousands of dollars spent over the decade plus, and I’m pretty much losing the bulk of it.
eladz: There are ways to convert it to PDF or CBZ, like the script I posted above, and there are other projects that aim to assist with it (search the darkhorsecomics sub on Reddit). So it might take some work, but at least you'll be able to store all the books on a hard drive and access it whenever you wish.
Thanks, but I’m pretty much iOS tablets only. Haven’t used a computer in years. I have an old one, but not sure if it’ll boot up or even has space for so many books.
I downloaded just the A and B books I own and almost filled my iPad, maybe I’ll just buy 12 more iPads for letters C thru Z.