Assassins Creed bundle at Humble - Seems to be a mix of old and new - I got the last bundle and have 15 books, this has 29.
It looks like several Valhalla books and a 4 volume Assassins Creed Dynasty are new. Two are prose books, I think, Sword of the White Horse and Magus Conspiracy.
EDIT - Just bought and file sizes are a LOT better than the old bundle too - 10x as large, give or take - the cbz files I have are around 30MB per TPB, the repeats here are 300-400MB.
EDIT AGAIN - Dynasty 1-5 and Valhanna Blood Brothers are Manga, if that makes a difference to anyone.
Also most or all of the cbz files (except Awakening) have been zipped wrong on a mac - there's "ghost" thumbnail files in a MAC_OS folder that breaks my cbz viewer - they aren't actually image files but they show up as being so, which means every cbz looks like it has twice as many pages and the viewer will hang when it hits one trying to render a bad file.. All you need to do is unzip everything and delete the extra folder, but it's a nuisance to actually have to do it.
To fix (on linix) -
Unzip everything into seperate folders
In the parent folder -
find . -name '._*' -delete
find . -name '__MACOSX' -delete
re-zip everything.