slavojsneak: AFAICT, the comics from French Humanoides, esp. Metal Hurlant, are split between different English publishers, seemingly depending on the creator -- Fantagraphics has Tardi, Dark Horse has (some) Moebius, etc. I expect that's why we haven't seen a collected English translation of the original mags. (The English-language Metal Hurlant tribute in the bundle is laughable -- wow, Kurt Busiek *and* Geoff Johns?!)
Titan Books has been publishing Druillet. They're amazing to look at; available digitally but worth buying physically IMO just to gawp at the detail
I own two of those Titan books. They are worth every penny. All of those euro comics are worth having physically, but those Integral/Omnibus editions can get a bit "big", even if you can look at the art at a very reasonable size. I recently bought the Nikopol trilogy in this format, but again it's worth having.
I'm curious. Metal Hurlant had a new version in France too but most of the old talent had moved on to "solo" careers. The american one that's included here has me wanting to see it just to see how bad i can be. I hope it's uncensored though. Heavy Metal did censor almost every strip they published, which is weird because they boasted about being "adult comics" and had erotic specials. Oh well.
Have you seen the Metal Hurlant Chronicles show? It's so corny it's hilarious.