Darvond: Remember what dogs used to be? That is, wolves, coyotes, and other wild dogs.
How did we go from that to little [REDACTED]s that can't even breath properly and have bug eyes?
Just a few weeks ago I read somewhere that one big difference between dogs and wolves is that dogs have certain muscle in their eyebrows or thereabouts with which they can make the "sad puppy" look that we humans find so adorable, while wolves don't have it. And, the reason dogs have developed it is for us humans, when they want to ask for our help (rather than trying to figure out the solution to their dilemma themselves).
Huskies apparently lack the same muscle or at least don't use it, so in that sense they are the "closest" to wolves.
EDIT: Apparently the co-living between humans and wolves/dogs started when humans and wolves were after the same prey and when it was caught, humans started throwing pieces of meat to the wolves for allegedly helping them catching the prey.
So it is not like some nature documentary I saw where a pack of wolves caught a moose or something, and then a big angry bear just comes there growling, threatening and scaring all the wolves away from the prey and keeping it all to itself.
Stupid bears, if they had shared the prey like humans do, then THEY would have dawgs as their pets. Can you imagine a bear having a small white poodle on a leash? I can, easily.