ReynardFox: I will never accept the 'it's just cosmetic' argument as validation, not in a paid product, cosmetics used to be rewards for playing, not charged for piecemeal. Also supporting these microtransactions just encourages them to carve out more cosmetics to charge you for, it's cyclical and I won't have a bar of it.
We rarely get many, if any, cosmetic rewards in games anymore
because people have accepted them as paid extras.
GameRager: I get what you're saying(even if I somewhat disagree) and I respect that, but would you rather they make such stuff that way or do it more for game content that's not cosmetic? One needs to have proper priorities when fighting such, at the very least.
Also them carving out some stuff for cosmetic dlc doesn't always mean they cut it from game content already made.
It's not an either/or scenario, as far as I'm concerned, microtransactions, cosmetic or otherways have no place in a game you just paid a premium for, there's no economy to support like free-to-play, you've already given them your money.
Fully fledged DLC is one thing, but under no scenario will I accept microtransactions as an acceptable, ethical business practice in a full price game and the argument that the likes of EA make of 'they
need microtransactions because game dev has become too expensive' is a complete lie.
I simply don't agree with charging for simple cosmetics piecemeal, no not every instance is carved content but a hell of a lot is, and if not carved, it's deliberately left off the table for the base game. Cosmetics have become a cynical, greedy marketting tool instead of a reward for playing the game and I can't help but sneer at it conceptually.
Also anyone who says cosmetics don't affect gameplay is lying to themselves.
I hate to say anything nice about something from the house of Randy Bitchford, but Borderlands 3 has no microtransactions, it gives you all kinds of fun, unique, goofy and cool cosmetics as loot drops and the game is infinitely more satisfying because of that. It's rewarding to play and you feel good about finding some cool new thing just for playing. You're rewarded for gameplay, not for opening your wallet.