Swedrami: This is leaving a dent, no doubt, albeit not a big enough one for CDPR or GoG to go under or anything.
If their recent numbers in regards to Cyberpunk 2077 copies sold are to be believed PS4 sales "only" make up like less of a fourth of the total.
Iirc, it was something like 59% PC and 41% consoles (XBoxWhatever and PS4), so you can do some rough and approximate math here.
I believe they were trying super hard to both a) get the game out for holiday season, and b) get it to support last-gen consoles. I think there should be quite a dent on the holiday sales overall. Also modern AAA games often sell above 80% on consoles, so that ratio does look like console sales are quite low.
Interesting to keep an eye on, popcorn in hand.