dtgreene: The problems with the registry are things like this:
* You need a specialized tool to access it, as opposed to plain text files that can be opened with any text editor.
* If some program manages to corrupt it, it can cause loss of unrelated program settings, and could make the system not boot (except maybe in safe mode). Conversely, if each program uses a separate file, corruption of that file affects only that program's configuration/
What specialist tool are you talking about? You can access the registry with:
The Registry Editor (Regedit.exe)
Command Prompt via Reg.exe
All 3 come with Windows. .Reg files themselves can be edited with any basic text editor and the syntax is simple and consistent, while config flies will be all over the place and potentially use different syntax for each application.
Applications mainly ever write to their own-created key (folder). If they're gonna corrupt something, it's themselves. If an application is stepping outside of its own bounds, then it is:
1) Adding buttons to the shell, in which case the only potential damage it can cause is some buttons that link to nothing if the app is uninstalled and the registry entry is not removed. It will not cause the system to not boot.
2) It is some stupid registry cleaner app that should never be used. People who do not understand Windows registry are much safer with some potentially redundant entries than letting some stupid app arbitrarily decide what is important and what is not. Either clean the registry yourself or not at all.
3) It is malicious.
dtgreene: * The existence of the registry means that simply backing up the files will not be enough to back up the software and/or its settings.
* Similarly, applications that touch the registry are essentially not portable, both in the sense that they won't run on other OSes, and they won't run properly if installed to removable storage and executed on another system.
I consider the registry to be a mistake, and one of the main technical issues with Window.
By the way, Linux puts the system-wide config files all under /etc, so they're all in one place.
Also, under WINE I believe the registry is implemented as a text file.
Other than portable apps, even if the app does not utilise the registry, its settings would be stored in AppData and / or ProgramData. You would have to back up multiple directories anyway. Also, again, unless it is a portable application, why would you even want to back it up in an installed state, rather than backing up its installer?
So again, whether you back up the registry or a bunch of config files from AppData makes no difference. There is, like I mentioned previously, a massive benefit in restoration that registry provides. With regular files, you have to note down the intended directory for every single one of them. If you want to restore them all with one click, you have to write a comprehensive script.
With Registry, you can export the necessary keys (folders) to .reg files. You can then copy all that data into a single .reg file. for a very simple restoration. The location of data will be stored inside, there is no need to note it down separately, nor keep track of multiple files then.
dtgreene: * Similarly, applications that touch the registry are essentially not portable, both in the sense that they won't run on other OSes, and they won't run properly if installed to removable storage and executed on another system.
Not every app needs to be portable. Also, unless the app contains executables for each OS, it's not gonna run on multiple OSes anyway. Windows supports portable applications, so it's not like the presence of the registry means you are forced to use it.
dtgreene: I consider the registry to be a mistake, and one of the main technical issues with Window.
By the way, Linux puts the system-wide config files all under /etc, so they're all in one place.
Also, under WINE I believe the registry is implemented as a text file.
And I consider the Registry to be one of Windows' biggest strengths. Like I said, I can spin up a new machine and have it be completely customised with a single file in an instant. It's truly amazing. And I didn't even need to write no elaborate script either. Registry makes it very easy. For applications that do not use the registry, I have to deal with manual config file copying all over the place. That is far less effective.
People always portray the registry as this big scary place, yet it is very easy to understand and incredibly convenient.
If Linux also keeps various config files in a single directory, then what's stopping someone from messing all of those up? I fail to see the difference.