mystral: And your point is? In the long run, all games start to get repetitive and boring. Personally, I've clocked over 450 hours on CK 2 according to Steam, and quite a bit of that was before I bought any DLCs, so I think even base CK 2 has most games beat in terms of longevity, though obviously not everyone will agree.
The point was that once the novelty wears off, I was highly put off by the glaring holes in the "base" game (fun fact: early on you could play Islamic rulers without any special handling before Paradox patched it out... which happened right after somebody started modding in unique content for them and about two months before Sword of Islam got released as a separate DLC) and lack of variety in random events.
It was nowhere near as bad as Stellaris, but people surprised at the latter's lack of content were exactly the ones that were fine with the way CK2 was handled, so very much a self-inflicted wound there.
mystral: Edit: To anyone who wonders about the amount of DLCs, those are basically modular and are designed so you don't need most of them. There are basically 3 kinds, cosmetic stuff that's imo pointless, ones that adds more features and depth to the game, and ones that adds more options on what to play. For instance there is one DLC that lets you play as a muslim ruler, another as a merchant republic, another adds India to the map and lets you play there, etc... Obviously you don't need those if you don't want to play as one of those things.
Unfortunately, a lot of the interesting game mechanics is locked behind paid DLCs.
mystral: The base game "only" lets you play as any Christian ruler of a rank count or higher from 1066 to 1453, which is more than enough content to
keep you busy for a while and let you decide whether you like the game enough to buy some of the DLC. Exactly as planned. Not a fan of that kind of business practice, because whether you want to acknowledge it or not it absolutely leads to pre-designed content being removed from the "base game" to be sold separately later on.