Normally, I come in here to share a wonderful Kickstarter game that I think people here would enjoy. However, today, I am instead pointing out a shady, nefarious campaign that is preying on people's nostalgia and gullibility:
<span class="bold">Kings Gate: A Brigandine Tale</span> This "developer" claims to be working on a sequel to a cult-favorite Strategy-JRPG published by Atlus in Japan and North America back in 1998 for the original PlayStation called
Brigandine. Unsurprisingly, they offer no proof that they have gotten permission from Atlus or the Japanese developer, Hearty Robin, to create this game.
For seasoned Kickstarter backers, there are many red flags you can see just at a glance; no campaign video, no images other than the cover art for the PSone game, minimal talk of who is developing the game or how it is being developed, and no mention of how the money will be used. On top of that, it is a brand new account that has not backed any other projects or interacted with the community in any way outside of their own campaign.
To make matters worse, this is actually the
second time this crook has tried to fund this "campaign".
The first time around, he was asking for $15,000 and had somehow suckered enough people into backing him that he got all the way up to $3,000 by the time the funding window closed. So, seeing how much money he
could have gotten, he launched this new campaign with a reduced funding goal that is, coincidentally, just $3,000!
In just a few days, he has already gotten the funding total up to $1,500, meaning he is quite possibly going to actually weasel people out of their money. One backer has even contributed $500! I have already reported the campaign to Kickstarter, but that doesn't always prove useful. To anyone here that has a reputation as a Kickstarter afficionado, please use your connections to warn people of this heinous individual who is dangerously close to legally robbing unsuspecting gamers and further soiling the reputation of Kickstarter video game projects. While Kickstarter should have more safeguards in place to keep this kind of thing from happening, there is sure to be no effective changes made before this campaign reaches its end on October 13th. Please help to keep this con artist from succeeding!
Thank you for your time and attention.