Rewind: A brand new British dystopian Comedy Thriller based on my scriptbook Rewind: The Empyreum War
"Here at Rewind, we care about your future - and that's why we have chosen to invest in your past. You wouldn't keep all your tax records on one holoputer without making regular backups, would you? - and yet, every day, millions of people across the galaxy walk around with their heads full of precious memories and no way to back them up. Until now.
Why watch your loved ones go off to war, knowing they'll never return, when one simple visit to Rewind could safeguard your future together? One hour is all it takes to back up your memories onto our systems. Everything that makes you an individual will be stored away safely, and the more you come back to visit us, the more up to date your backup will be - and If the worst should happen, Rewind will supply a cloned body to your own specifications into which we can restore your memories.
Think of it - you'll never die. You'll just come back as a younger model, different body, same mind. Call us today for your free information pack."
- Rewind Advertisement
Rewind: Interactive Edition is brand new dystopian interactive fiction - playable in the format of a massively interactive novel length choose your own adventure book in which nouns throughout the text can be clicked to display actions that can be performed to move the story onward (so no typing required) with an optional hardcore mode for players who wish to type commands to the parser instead of choosing from menus. I currently plan to release the game for Mac, PC and iOS, with possibly other formats to follow. Based on the success of this pitch and funds raised, the plan is to then move the project into other formats - comic book, movie, etc. The target of £4000 is enough to spend 3 or 4 months concentrating on the game on a basic wage, with any extra raised going toward further development time for extra features - and if we raise the roof funding-wise, we will put any extra towards future branches of the Rewind project, such as novels and comic books.
Rewind: Interactive Edition will be based on my script book Rewind: The Empyreum War, which was itself written to redress the balance between a multitude of epic fantasy series hitting our screens in recent years and the great SciFi multi-part classic not seen since the days of Star Wars (yes, I know it's back!). Painting a bleak vision of a post-apocalyptic dystopia ruled over by The Company, Rewind: The Empyreum War has been described as a mixture of Blade Runner and Scary Movie, referring to a dark humour interwoven with a plot full of shocking twists which will make you laugh, jump and cry in equal proportions right until the very end - and if it doesn't, a couple of killbots from the department of corrections will be around to sort you out. Think "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Blade Runner" meets "Nineteen-Eighty-Fifth Element". Or Something.
For some reason, the forum won't let me post links - just search Kickstarter for Rewind. I'll post again with a link when I work out what's going on :/