IAmSinistar: Agreed. What's worse that a DRM'd game? A censored DRM'd game.
P1na: upping the bet: A censored DRM'd game that is get sold to you
Hummm, I don't know which is worse, A censored DRM'd game that is get sold to you twice, or a game with kickstarter exclusive game changing content.
The former require you to pay more to get the complete experience, but the latter will never allow you to complete your experience because you do not back kickstarter and no way to pay more to complete your experience.
Like paper sorcerer, it is really a neat game, but I am a bit miffed when I learn that I can never play the two exclusive character "Succubus" and "Dryad" because I am not a kickstarter backer that time even though I had poured thousands in crowdfunding project.