For crazy SW theories, look no further than the man himself. There was a time when Lucas considered anchoring the Star Wars cannon into our world. Essentially, Lucas was trying to write his silly sci-fi serial and turn it into his own bible. The original theory was that long after the Galactic Civil War, there was some kind of supernova/invasion/virus or something that was going to cause the destruction of the galaxy featured in Star Wars. The last survivors summarized a brief history of their galaxy, and then sent it deep into space hidden in a time capsule... that ended up landing on Earth and crashing into George Lucas' backyard. He then translated the scribe and made Star Wars based on the events of one chapter of the actual events from that galaxy far, far away. - And yes, that was the 'theory' behind Star Wars at one point. I'm not sure if they kept that idea crazy train on the tracks or if they retired it to a museum.
That's the magician trying to convince you that mirrors and strings don't exist. But who knows, maybe Jar Jar is really just the animated version of a Jamaican lover Lucas once had while researching for a project down in the Caribbean.