Posted March 28, 2016
EndreWhiteMane: Sounds like they were pushing stuff into the yard with a bulldozer, wonder who's idea that was?
Not sure. That sounds like the kind of idea a crazy person would come up with...;) Also, before I forget. No idea if you've seen it before, but if you haven't? Check out both the movie and the series called Fargo. Watching it right now, it's really, really good.
(Well, watching the series, just to clarify. I've seen the movie more than once. Thought the series would be some kind of awful cash-in. Very happy to be pleasantly surprised and proven wrong on that one.)
You also might want to avoid Spectre, since I'm throwing out entertainment advice. My roommate rented it and said they wouldn't buy it. That's pretty damning considering that the roommate has watched some of the most boring shit I've ever seen and said they enjoyed it.
Post edited March 28, 2016 by CarrionCrow