EndreWhiteMane: Don't know about the ladies, gentlemen, and lurkers but I'm doing fine.
Have a decent day out in the cold?
Well despite your claim of dirty old man, I still have you down as a gentleman. I think this whole dirty old man is just a rouse to throw us off the scent. Deep down I think you are a perfect American gentleman. :-)
I did have a decent day in the cold. The fog/mist finally lifted and the day was nice and sunny, but still cold. And my evening has been wonderful, so overall a great day for me. How has your day been?
AgentBirdnest: Dammit! I've been caught.
Evening dd, and everyone else!
Doing well here. How about yourself?
I'm doing great thank you. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. Have you been up to anything fun today?
moonshineshadow: hey dd *big hug* how are you doing?
Hello, Moon! *big return hug*
I'm doing great, I had a wonderful evening and a good day at work. How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling a bit better? Did you get some ice cream?