ddickinson: I do recall playing a Baldur's Gate game on the GameCube, but those are not quite the same. I did enjoy it, but I have yet to try the PC games. As I said to Fearful, because for the most part my gaming time is limited part of my problem is deciding to play the old ones first, or get a more modern and refined game to play just in case I only get around to playing one RPG. I figured it might be easier to get into a modern one that does not have the faults older games tend to have. But on the other hand I am not sure I could do that since I have the older ones unplayed and I would feel like I needed to play them first, especially as you lovely people gifted them to me. So I think I am best to just wait and play the older games first.
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance has about as much to do with original Baldur's Gate as a hippo in a tutu has to do with a ballerina. They might both be
kinda wearing the same outfit, but everything else is utterly different.
In the end, it's up to you which you prefer. Whether people have gifted you stuff or not, odds are pretty good they wouldn't want you to be miserable if you don't enjoy it.
I think the original series still have good gameplay experiences to provide for players. Other opinions will vary, of course.
If you really hate it, don't play it, whether you feel obligated to run through the old series or not.
omega64: Ah alright, guess I'll try again sometime.
Don't really want to get far in a game and fail due to not building my character properly.
This happened to me in the very last area of Torchlight.
It was a breeze suddenly get killed in 2 shots near the end.
Sidenote: before playing Huniepop I decided to uncensor it.
I kind of regret this now after seeing the pictures you get. :l
Hmm. Guess they decided to spike the difficulty right before the end. Always a sign of designers who don't know how to do the whole difficulty curve thing properly.
Pretty sure you can remove the file that uncensors the game if it's bothering you. Worth a shot.
It'd be better if I had more time, but for a few minutes effort, it adds a lot more spice to your trucker character. =)