CarrionCrow: Ugh...I know exactly what you mean. Did that a few days ago, always a frigging joy.
Don't worry about that, whoever gets it gets it. Without everyone who comes here, the thread wouldn't be anything.
I was just the selfish impatient one who didn't feel like waiting for big sales to talk with certain people.
EndreWhiteMane: It would be cool if the OP got the big number, see what we can do. :)
Are you up to anything fun today?
Easy way to do it - I talk like a frigging spaz, everyone runs off, then I get all the posts. -laughs-
Would be more than a little lame and counterproductive to the whole thread, though. I can talk myself already. ;)
Let's see...I'm on the last light world level of Meat Boy, so I might see credits on that in a day or two.
Course, that game still isn't anywhere near done completely, I was skimming and read about something called Cotton Alley that's supposed to be the absolute worst, hardest the whole game has to offer.
That concerns me.
Playing some Fist Puncher besides that, and I'm pleasantly surprised at its overall quality. Not a lot of beat 'em ups on GOG, good to see it's not bad.
Course, that info does kinda ruin D and Hyper's back and forth on her gifting that to them.
Beyond that, the only other thing that sticks out is a bundle game I got called Deadlight.
I'm just going to start calling it "Bargain Basement Assassin's Creed" instead, since apparently, all you need is a not-zombie apocalypse and a park ranger can do parkour moves through virtually anything.
How about you? Anything good on the menu at the moment?