adaliabooks: Which reminds me how we spent Valentines day last year. Our pizza van was just finished being converted so we were on a train down to Colchester. Except this time last year the weather was so bad that we were stuck on the train, when there was problems on the line, in the freezing cold for four hours before it got moving again. We were wrapped up in foil emergency blankets drinking free whiskey from the train bar...
So you could say we're not too bothered about it either... XD
But it is nice to make a little extra effort now and again.
I remember all the snow, we lost a few of the animals due to the cold. Luckily we don't get snow as bad as the US, but then those guys always like to super-size everything. :-)
CarrionCrow: That's very kind of you, thank you. =)
I have to ask...what would the consequences be of you telling them all to go fuck themselves?
I know it's impolite and all, but dear gods does it sound like they deserve it.
Something pleasant and refined like
this, perhaps?
What makes you think I have not done that previously? :-)
They are actually not too bad at the moment, they used to be a lot worse, especially my partner's mother. They don't seem to like the fact that I don't rise to the bait, but I have told them a few home truths now and then. Mostly it just causes problems for my partner, which is not something I want to do. So I generally just tolerate it and not give them the pleasure of a reaction, the world is full of arseholes (or assholes for you Yanks :-)), so why let a few more bother me. I don't have to see them often, so it's okay. I think if I had to see them often then I would have to hit a few people and teach them some manners. :-)
moonshineshadow: Am I late to the party? Seems like almost everyone is here :D *hugs*
Yay! Moon is here! *big welcome hug*
We are missing a few people, but it does seem to be a bit more lively in here tonight.