EndreWhiteMane: Or you could do what I have to do and cut down to about 2 pots a day. Helped get my blood pressure to a number that doesn't try to pop the cuff on my meter or make my eyeballs bug out. :-)
Edit: Mine just read 113/72. Yay!
You're no fun. -laughs- (Keyboard tried to say "you're no funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" by itself. Probably need to stop slamming it.)
Seriously, though, glad to hear you're doing better in that regard. Might follow your example and
attempt to cut back a (tiny) bit.
One other thing before I forget (while trying to avoid words with the letter "N", think I halfway broke that one...) - started taking the fun-time pills and I had a thought, feel free to tell me what you think.
See, I think the reason why they have that nasty tendency of sending people running for the razors (and that's not hyperbole, someone actually did slice their wrists open and die after taking it for 3 months) is that it tends to activate their brain in such a way that all the shit they have way deep down inside starts popping out, and the poor dears fall to pieces over it.
Between that and the possibility of all pleasurable sensation being reduced or eliminated all together, some people tend to get a little "I need to die
right fucking now" on it.
(Is it bad that I'm laughing as I type that? Hmm. Maybe. Who knows. Maybe I'm just vindictive towards all the 'normals' getting to feel what it's like to get royally mindfucked and crumble while trying to deal with it. Or maybe I'm just a sadist deep down and them hurting makes me giggle like a happy little schoolgirl...)
But I digress. Question is - what do you think makes people end up going off the deep end so hard while taking it?