Posted February 14, 2016

What's on your gaming platter lately, if anything?
Since I still lack in concentration and reflexes because of my sickness :-/
So I gave up on anything too straining for now (Witcher 3, Outlast, re-run of Max Payne...) and went through a couple of games to see if they click with me:
Started Pony Island, but I'm currently stuck.
Installed my old UFO - Enemy Unknown (from disk), but feel too dumb to play it right now. Tactical combat is ok, but the base management is a mess. I have to check inventory umpteen times until I manage to remember what I wanted to do on the buy/sell screens. No fun.
Started Rebel Galaxy and I really like that "frontier" vibe (reminds me of Firefly). But I'm having trouble with navigating during battles - no battlefield awareness. Since you have to look sideways to fire (broadsides) I constantly keep crashing into things and often lose track of the general situation.
Tried The Vanishing of Ethan Carter yesterday. From an artistic pov it's really good. But the save system is hell. The game only saves when you complete a scene. But since you are expected to slowly and be very observant and have to figure out everything yourself, that's long times between saves. Just not compatible with my current attention span, and frankly, if I weren't sick, with my life. It's rare I can have long gaming sessions.
I have finished Starpoint Gemini 2, including the two DLC (but not Origins). Perfect game for relaxing, but I've had enough of it right now.