AgentBirdnest: Feeling great. I'm going to use some of this positive energy to do something fun - play games :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Good for you! Glad your feeling so good. :-)
CarrionCrow: Glad to hear it. =)
Better funny dreams than something else, that's for sure.
Well, I can type and talk, so that's a start.
Water bottles froze, and their slow defrost is putting a bit of a crimp in gorging on coffee, but I'll be fully caffeinated in a while, I'm sure.
Right now, it's 7th Saga (which truly should have been called "Grindy Bullshit: The Game") and Netflix since the game has so much mindless grinding I can watch shows or movies while putting about 1 percent of my brainpower into more grinding.
EndreWhiteMane: Hate to gloat but it's 40F here and sunny. I have a terrible urge to go plant something! :-)
It'll be back down in the single digits in a couple of days though.
You have no running water there when it's cold? :/
It depends. If it gets cold enough, the pump wants to freeze.
Definite bad times there, makes things like showers and toilets more than a bit problematic to use.
But regardless, where I live the water is
not something you'd want to drink, unless you really hate someone and don't give a shit, at which point you might give it to them just to see what all the minerals, chemicals and gods only know what else does to a human being.
Part of why I end up at Walmart frequently despite hating the place so much - they have water dispensers.
EndreWhiteMane: Morning, how's the agent today?
AgentBirdnest: Feeling great. I'm going to use some of this positive energy to do something fun - play games :-)
Good morning. =)
Sounds like a plan, glad to see you're feeling well today. =)