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j0ekerr: Good night Freddites.

Seems I have a knack for arriving whenever Fred's asleep.
*waves* Goodnight, Mr Bunny. Sleep well.

Two of our most active posters are away for the next while. I guess Fred will be naturally sleepy a lot more often until they return.
AgentBirdnest: Two of our most active posters are away for the next while. I guess Fred will be naturally sleepy a lot more often until they return.
Just think of it as a quit, relaxing time ;-)
Not quite my bedtime yet. But will be soon.

Anything interesting from the monkey sale?

Nothing really caught my eye.
So two companies have invited me to apply for writing positions. One is offering a consistent freelance position, the other I'm not too sure whether it's offering a freelance position or not. The quoted pay rate for the consistent freelance position isn't quite top of the line but it's a lot more than you'd make at a content mill (minimum of $15 for a 400 word article) and it's list based writing which isn't hard, so if I could knock out an article in an hour to hour and a half then it would be a lot better paying than a entry level/manual labor job. So that's some good news, about time haha.
AgentBirdnest: Two of our most active posters are away for the next while. I guess Fred will be naturally sleepy a lot more often until they return.
I could fill in, if you like.
Remember that quest in Skyrim that I've been whining about? Yeah it FINALLY rattled loose. All it took was for me to level up three times, wander around Skyrim for about a week and a half in game time, clear a dungeon or two and sleep for two days straight (in game of course). The courier showed up just as I was trying to do some smithing in Whiterun (have spent three days in a row in the city itself)...great timing.

As far as further disappointments in Skyrim, I can't seem to get my armor smithed any higher than it currently is, despite my smithing enchanted jewelry being upgraded (each piece adds at least a 20% bonus) and having the same potion I used before. So yeah...that's...weird? Oh and my 321 base damage sword and I will just have to cry as it takes down every single enemy in a max of two hits.
Good morning, thread!

*good morning hugs*
*hugs and waves*

NoNewTaleToTell: So two companies have invited me to apply for writing positions. One is offering a consistent freelance position, the other I'm not too sure whether it's offering a freelance position or not. The quoted pay rate for the consistent freelance position isn't quite top of the line but it's a lot more than you'd make at a content mill (minimum of $15 for a 400 word article) and it's list based writing which isn't hard, so if I could knock out an article in an hour to hour and a half then it would be a lot better paying than a entry level/manual labor job. So that's some good news, about time haha.
That is great news :-) I hope it turns out well.
*hugs and waves*

Hi thread!

How are you all doing?

Got into an ice-rain-storm on Monday on my way from my current "2-days-per-week" workplace and got soaked within ten seconds. The really bad thing was that I had to spend two and a half in ice-cold and wet clothes commuting after that - several stays on draughty (drafty?) train stations included. So you can imagine what this did to my health. Big boss let me go a bit earlier yesterday, after filling me up with Paracetamol and herbal tea the whole day. Currently I'm working from home, so I can at least have GOG open in the background.
*Looks through the telescope and spots Agent playing Men of Valour and wonders why he is not wearing any pants...* o_O

*takes a few pictures for blackmail purposes for a later date. Plus the ladies might want a gander.* :-)

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well?

Congratulations, NoNewTaleToTell. I hope it all works out well. And Tom, sorry to hear you are not having the best of times with your health and the weather. Hopefully you can keep wrapped up warm while working from home, and I am sure Owl left some frog and snail soup somewhere around here that will make you feel better in no time.

*hugs, waves, and funny looks*
ddickinson: *Looks through the telescope and spots Agent playing Men of Valour and wonders why he is not wearing any pants...* o_O

*takes a few pictures for blackmail purposes for a later date. Plus the ladies might want a gander.* :-)
My dungarees were covered in mud after I dodged that pungi trap trying to get into the bunker. I'm pantless until I get back to Da Nang ',',',):-| (that, or I'm just too lazy for pants. Take your pick :-p)

You'll give me a cut of whatever money you make off those pictures, right? :-)

*Big good morning hug*
Post edited February 10, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: My dungarees were covered in mud after I dodged that pungi trap trying to get into the bunker. I'm pantless until I get back to Da Nang ',',',):-| (that, or I'm just too lazy for pants. Take your pick :-p)

You'll give me a cut of whatever money you make off those pictures, right? :-)

*Big good morning hug*
Sure, and how do you explain the pink fluffy jumper and slippers? :-)

Was I selling the pictures? I was going to give them to the ladies for free, the blackmail you with them. I am not sure what I could get out of it, but it is always nice to have leverage. :-)

How are you today? And how is the game, is it fun?

*big silly hug*
ddickinson: Sure, and how do you explain the pink fluffy jumper and slippers? :-)

Was I selling the pictures? I was going to give them to the ladies for free, the blackmail you with them. I am not sure what I could get out of it, but it is always nice to have leverage. :-)

How are you today? And how is the game, is it fun?

*big silly hug*
What? Guys aren't allowed to look good in pink stuff too? B"|

Well, good luck with your blackmail then :-p I'm too lazy to give in to blackmail today n__o

I'm not feeling too well today. Coldness and shakes are giving me a tough morning, but I'm sure I'll be fine. The middle hours of the day tend to be a bit better. So I'll look forward to that :-] (<--awkward smile)
How about yourself?

*bigger hug*

edit: Oh, and the game is nice. Pretty much a Medal of Honor/Call of Duty clone, but that isn't always a bad thing. The first couple of levels made the game feel a bit dated, but after that I don't really notice it looking or feeling too old. It's some good mindless shooting fun so far :-)
Post edited February 10, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: What? Guys aren't allowed to look good in pink stuff too? B"|

Well, good luck with your blackmail then :-p I'm too lazy to give in to blackmail today n__o

I'm not feeling too well today. Coldness and shakes are giving me a tough morning, but I'm sure I'll be fine. The middle hours of the day tend to be a bit better. So I'll look forward to that :-] (<--awkward smile)
How about yourself?

*bigger hug*
They are, but they wear guys tops, not female fitting tops with fluffy ponies on them. :-)

And I am too nice to blackmail such a lovely Agent, so you are safe.

Sorry to hear you are not doing too well today. Let's hope you feel better as the day goes on. If not we burn the fluffy pink jumper! :-)

I have been better, but not doing too bad. Nothing to complain about.

*big hug*

Edit: Glad to hear you are enjoying the game. Vietnam is not really a setting that appeals to me, but I do like a good FPS game. Sadly with it being Nordic that is an automatically pass from me.
Post edited February 10, 2016 by ddickinson
ddickinson: [...]
Well, hopefully we'll both feel better then. *sets fire to fluffy pink pony jumper to cheer and warm us up* :-p

Speaking of ponies... What do you think about that Pony Island game in the "upcoming" section? Any interest? It looks really strange. I'm not quite sure what to think. But at least the price isn't too bad.