Posted February 09, 2016

Both. 1) The longest for a single playthrough of a singleplayer campaign, and 2) The most time you have spent on a game including replays, multiplayer mod, skirmishes, etc. :-)
For me, 1) would be Fallout: New Vegas. One playthrough (including the DLC) took about 150 hours for me. 2) Would probably be Deus Ex, which I estimate that I've played about a thousand hours since 2003 :-p
I am not really sure (I don't record the hours). Erm... Longest single player campaign... Probably a RTS game perhaps, some of those can be quite long, so maybe StarCraft, or C&C? As for the longest spent on a game, again I am not really sure. There are none I have spent too long on, but I did play Medieval 2 Total War quite a lot, due to me having fun modding the game in different ways, but I am not sure if that is the longest. I will have a better thing and let you know.
*big thinking hug*