Posted February 08, 2015

Yeah... I know, I shouldn't have said that. But I was in a sh*tty mood, and when I fell like that, I'm quite hard on myself. Deal with it :-p
Thanks again for bring me in the 100 club !!! :-D I feel special :->
How was your day ?? I read you spent a while in your friend's family... was it OK with your mother-in-law ? :"|

I understand you being in a bad mood, but I can't just stand around and let a lovely person like you be so hard on yourself. Endre deserves all the credit for getting you in the 100 club, I just helped it along.
My day has been okay, thank you. Spending time with my partner's family is never a pleasant event, but just one more day to go.
How are you today?
Try not end punching anyone in the face !!! :-D
I feel better, thanks... managed to change my mind :)
Hihi, thanks CC :-D
How is your day ??
Hi Endre !
How are you going today ?

Has your day improved?
Oh, and good evening to everyone else!
Yes, it's better now, thanks !! What about you ??
Post edited February 08, 2015 by LaPtiteBete