Posted February 08, 2016

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016

Very happy to hear that. =) (About the good parts, of course. Whatever's causing you trouble while you're trying to recover needs to go the hell away.)
Honestly not sure. If GOG wants to put a theme package together, they have plenty to work with.
That is true. They do seem to be getting a little better, but still none really for me. I think they also run longer now, but I am not sure.

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 08, 2016
I am... and you ? :)
**Big hug back**
ddickinson: Good morning, lovely Owl of the Empire of France!
How are you today, did you have a nice weekend?
P.S. I found a picture of the first law you can pass once you conquer most of the world. :-)
*big Monday hug* Good morning, beautiful DD of the Great Kingdom of England !
I had a half good and half rotten weekend, i try to keep only the good...
what about you ? :)
Oh... nice law. Unless it wouldn't be told by a grumpy toad but by myself... a toad, as a king ?... what a silly idea... as a king-size breakfast, maybe ! :-p hihi
**Big silly hug**
CarrionCrow: Good morning, Owl lady. =)
-breaks out the wading pool with plenty of fresh coffee for the new week- Good morning, dear Crow !! :)
**happily dive in the fressh coffee wading pool** ... thanks !! this is more than needed on a monday morning... :) I'm on holidays, but i have a few things to do for work anyway... i hope i'll find some courage.
How are you ?
**Big hug back**

How are you today, did you have a nice weekend?
P.S. I found a picture of the first law you can pass once you conquer most of the world. :-)
*big Monday hug*
I had a half good and half rotten weekend, i try to keep only the good...
what about you ? :)
Oh... nice law. Unless it wouldn't be told by a grumpy toad but by myself... a toad, as a king ?... what a silly idea... as a king-size breakfast, maybe ! :-p hihi
**Big silly hug**

-breaks out the wading pool with plenty of fresh coffee for the new week-
**happily dive in the fressh coffee wading pool** ... thanks !! this is more than needed on a monday morning... :) I'm on holidays, but i have a few things to do for work anyway... i hope i'll find some courage.
How are you ?
Post edited February 08, 2016 by Empress_Owl

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016

I had a half good and half rotten weekend, i try to keep only the good...
what about you ? :)
Oh... nice law. Unless it wouldn't be told by a grumpy toad but by myself... a toad, as a king ?... what a silly idea... as a king-size breakfast, maybe ! :-p hihi
**Big silly hug**
Excluding health stuff and non-health problems I am doing great. I had a really lovely weekend and that along with my good news has really lifted my spirits, especially knowing that I am finally on the mend and out of any immediate danger.
But that is your messenger frog. He will be the one to pass the laws for you. You will be far too bust as Empress to do everything yourself. And of course, if he doesn't do a good job then he gets eaten by the Empress for breakfast. :-)
*big silly return hug*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016

*big Moonday morning hug*
I smell staff picks... only 7 minutes away... *sniff*
Just four minutes now. :-)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016

Yep, so hopefully now the computers will give me a break :D
How are you doing today?
I'm doing good. Feeling pretty well so far, and am in a really good mood. Luckily ElT is not here to pluck it up ;-p

Just four minutes now. :-)
One minute... Come on, more space games please!!
Post edited February 08, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016
Are the Evoland games any good? And how is Dreamfall: The Longest Journey? I own the first game, but I always passed on the second for some reason. But as I have not yet played the original Longest Journey maybe that is the reason, to wait and see how I like that one.
Well there are a few space games in there. :-)
Well there are a few space games in there. :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 08, 2016

Excluding health stuff and non-health problems I am doing great. I had a really lovely weekend and that along with my good news has really lifted my spirits, especially knowing that I am finally on the mend and out of any immediate danger.
But that is your messenger frog. He will be the one to pass the laws for you. You will be far too bust as Empress to do everything yourself. And of course, if he doesn't do a good job then he gets eaten by the Empress for breakfast. :-)
*big silly return hug*
Glad that you're doing great, and had a lovely weekend !! :) you definitely deserve them...
Ho... right. A frog minister. Hum... Must hire a not too yummy one then...
Already noon... time to eat a few garlic snails.
Bon appétit tout le monde !! :) **big french hug**

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016

Glad that you're doing great, and had a lovely weekend !! :) you definitely deserve them...
Ho... right. A frog minister. Hum... Must hire a not too yummy one then...
Already noon... time to eat a few garlic snails.
Bon appétit tout le monde !! :) **big french hug**
*tried to understand all that French writing... Nope. Just starts to randomly draw pictures all over the document hoping that will be okay. Then slips a note in English asking them to please stop giving Owl so much work.*
Thank you. Just knowing I am out of any immediate danger has been a load of my mind and I feel so much better knowing things are looking up. I still have a long way, but hopefully I am over the worst now and the year can start getting better.
Of course a frog, the Owl Empire will be dominated by frogs and snails, with humans as their slaves. With Empress Owl as the supreme ruler owning 99% of the world.
Poor snails. :-(
*big attempt at a French hug*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted February 08, 2016
I really enjoyed Evoland (I've only played the first game.) It has a funny little gimmick - unlock upgrades as you play in order to upgrade the game's technology (the game starts out black and white, and you must find upgrades to turn it colour, then 16-bit, etc.) It felt a bit repetitive at times, but I found it surprisingly fun, even after the gimmick wore off. Not bad for the price.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 08, 2016

Do any games catch your eye?

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted February 08, 2016
HI THREAD!!! How are you all? I'm amazing! :D
*Grabs Agent and dances the cha-cha!*
*Grabs Agent and dances the cha-cha!*

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom