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That's a lot of games you're not really interested in. Unless you just want to wipe it all out because it's cheap, I'd say to go for Kyrandia and leave the rest. Not like you won't get another chance at the same items again later if you change your mind.
Have put about 8 hours into XCOM 2 so far and I have to say it's very well done and enjoyable.

I'm terrible at giving reviews as I don't want to give any details of the game away, but I recommend the game if you liked the first one.
I tried master of orion for the first time... I ended up paying tribute to the AI and surrendered to his faction... :/
(Continuing my FTL game...)
Entering sector 5... We have upgraded a few systems, found some newer weapons, and bought a shiny new teleportation device. We have also hired a new crew member. Another mantis, Crow. Crow and DD will make an excellent team to board the enemy ships and rips their crews to shreds >:-) ... another human has decided to join our crew as well; Sup has experience with shield systems, and as a bonus, smells like soup.
Our first stop in the sector, and we have met a Slug ship that is low on fuel. They ask for some of ours. Ours is pretty low, but ElT is confident that the engines will have enough to make it to the next store. Our crew sends the Slug ship two fuel, and they are so thankful that they repay us. We are now 60 scrap richer.
A few jumps later, a pirate stops us and demands that we pay a toll to pass. Owl refuses their "offer" and demands that DD and Crow board their ship to kick them square in the nuts. The two pirate crew members are no match for DD and Crow. Nuts are kicked brutally, and the battle is over within seconds.
ftl07.jpg (194 Kb)
*La la la* Ignoring you! I have games on my plate, I don't need to get sucked back into FTL...

... who am I kidding of course I do. Just "a few games" is all...

I LOVE this one. I wish there were more games almost exactly like it.
CarrionCrow: -laughing hard- Probably not.

Yes, that works for me. I'll stick with my original plan - talking, drinking, smoking, some videos, some games. That's fine.

Although, I should probably skip some of the videos for a bit. Have been watching someone by the name of Maximilian, he makes me want to play fighting games.
I'm horrible at them, but he still makes me want to.
How ungrateful ;)
Sounds good to me :)

Yes same here. Like them quite a bit but i'm way too bad for them and i cannot remember combos ;)
Ixamyakxim: *La la la* Ignoring you! I have games on my plate, I don't need to get sucked back into FTL...

... who am I kidding of course I do. Just "a few games" is all...

I LOVE this one. I wish there were more games almost exactly like it.
I know how you feel... I wanted to play just one game, then get back to my backlog. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "just one game" :-p
I've heard that Convoy is a bit similar to FTL, except it is on the ground, not in space. I haven't tried it though, so I dunno how accurate that is.

... FTL diary, entry 8...
It is never easy to lose a crew member... We have the opportunity to hire a Rockman. His strength and his ability to put out Agent's fires are invaluable to the ship's security. Unfortunately, hiring him means that we'll have to let someone else go. Diversity is important on our ship, and since we already have three humans, we need to let one go. The crew has a tough decision, but ultimately, they decide that the "burnt fish soup incident" was just too unforgiveable to keep the shield system expert around. No hard feelings, and the rest of the crew hopes they can remain friends with you :-p
The crew welcomes the new Rockman: Socco.
ftl08.jpg (123 Kb)
Post edited February 07, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
Ixamyakxim: *La la la* Ignoring you! I have games on my plate, I don't need to get sucked back into FTL...

... who am I kidding of course I do. Just "a few games" is all...

I LOVE this one. I wish there were more games almost exactly like it.
AgentBirdnest: n__o
I know how you feel... I wanted to play just one game, then get back to my backlog. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "just one game" :-p
I've heard that Convoy is a bit similar to FTL, except it is on the ground, not in space. I haven't tried it though, so I dunno how accurate that is.

... FTL diary, entry 8...
It is never easy to lose a crew member... We have the opportunity to hire a Rockman. His strength and his ability to put out Agent's fires are invaluable to the ship's security. Unfortunately, hiring him means that we'll have to let someone else go. Diversity is important on our ship, and since we already have three humans, we need to let one go. The crew has a tough decision, but ultimately, they decide that the "burnt fish soup incident" was just too unforgiveable to keep the shield system expert around. No hard feelings, and the rest of the crew hopes they can remain friends with you :-p
The crew welcomes the new Rockman: Socco.
Rockman!? WOOHOO! :D
We encounter a rebel scout ship. It is unmanned, with no oxygen system, so DD and Crow can't board it without suffocating. It is heavily armed, and is able to score quite a few hits from a volley of 9 lasers. Our shields are weakened, but Moon tries desperately to repair them. The cockpit has been hit badly, and is on fire. Owl tried to extinguish the flames, but the fire only starts to spread. She retreats and orders Endre to leave the airlock doors open behind her. This is bad. Without the pilot, we can't jump to the next star. Plus, without a pilot, every shot from the enemy will hit us, and with the weakened shields, it is only a matter of time before the enemy whittles us away. Agent is able to score a few hits to the enemy... Will it be enough?...
ftl09.jpg (175 Kb)
Agent desperately fires the missiles and lasers before the enemy can fire another volley. It isn't enough. The enemy's weapons remain in place. The fire in the cockpit is out, but there is no oxygen in there now, so Owl can't go back in yet. DD and Crow try in vain to repair the oxygen system, and Moon keeps working to repair the shields, but there is no time. The enemy scout fires another volley of lasers.
One too many lasers.
The ship breaks apart. We are all dead.
Sup, who was pissed off at the crew just moments ago for firing him, now feels luckier than ever for being replaced only one jump before the ship's awful fate. He pours a bowl of soup on the ground to honour his friends who perished...

DAMMIT, ELT! Why didn't you dodge more of those shots? >:-|
ftl10.jpg (170 Kb)
Post edited February 07, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: Agent desperately fires the missiles and lasers before the enemy can fire another volley. It isn't enough. The enemy's weapons remain in place. The fire in the cockpit is out, but there is no oxygen in there now, so Owl can't go back in yet. DD and Crow try in vain to repair the oxygen system, and Moon keeps working to repair the shields, but there is no time. The enemy scout fires another volley of lasers.
One too many lasers.
The ship breaks apart. We are all dead.
Sup, who was pissed off at the crew just moments ago for firing him, now feels luckier than ever for being replaced only one jump before the ship's awful fate. He pours a bowl of soup on the ground to honour his friends who perished...

DAMMIT, ELT! Why didn't you dodge more of those shots? >:-|
*whistles innocently while pocketing money*
I just sat through the most boring, broken game of air hockey ever created.
What's worse is that I just did that while playing an FPS, and I had to do so in order to get life bar upgrades.

Fuck. This. Game.
CarrionCrow: I just sat through the most boring, broken game of air hockey ever created.
What's worse is that I just did that while playing an FPS, and I had to do so in order to get life bar upgrades.

Fuck. This. Game.
Let me guess.....DNF?

Alright. Time for me to try to get some sleep. I wish you all a great evening / night and i'll see you soon. I hope you're all are going to have a great week :)
*big hugs and waves*
Post edited February 07, 2016 by ElTerprise
Something fun I never knew existed.
ElTerprise: Let me guess.....DNF?

Alright. Time for me to try to get some sleep. I wish you all a great evening / night and i'll see you soon. I hope you're all are going to have a great week :)
*big hugs and waves*
Oh yeah...that's the one.

Have a good trip, be safe, watch out for stupid people.

Goodnight. =)