Posted February 05, 2016
I fell asleep mid-conversation :-p
Good morning everyone. *big hugs*
ddickinson: That is a Glux mantis, I am a Marux warrior mantis. We don't bake. >:-| <- Alien sexism. :-)
(I made Glux and Marux up, so if they mean anything else then that is just a coincidence.) Sounds like a mistake zeogold would make ^^
ô__ô ... well, I won't say anything. Died in the Witcher tutorial due to bad skill. Died in the Men of War tutorial due to bad strategy. Died in the Papers, Please tutorial from a paper cut n__n
Good morning everyone. *big hugs*

(I made Glux and Marux up, so if they mean anything else then that is just a coincidence.)
ô__ô ... well, I won't say anything. Died in the Witcher tutorial due to bad skill. Died in the Men of War tutorial due to bad strategy. Died in the Papers, Please tutorial from a paper cut n__n
Post edited February 05, 2016 by AgentBirdnest