Would agree with you there. If people think there's a way to get money, they'll go for it. There are some cases where pharmacorps should be held accountable, but a lot of it comes down to people being incredibly litigious in general.
Maybe that's the case for some, but I'm capable of acting like a half-idiotic, hate-filled
adult, thank you very much. ;P
Figuring that will usually be the case, given that both you and I are of the type that if something horrible's occurring, odds are it won't be mentioned so people don't worry.
Nothing concrete on that one, just a lot of rumors on why Microsoft skipped 9.
Also heard that about 10, that they're just going to keep on updating it rather than their usual game of hit and miss OS releases, some decent, some frigging awful garbage.
Common problem with the corporations, they'd rather let their old things keep on collecting dust than make some kind of money off of them. Course, I'm going to at least chalk that up to the corps constantly pushing for the new things, not giving much of a shit about what got them to where they are now.
They don't want people going for the 6 to 20 dollar classics when they can keep on trying to shove their 60 dollar piles of mediocrity (at best) with a hefty dose of bullshit DLC on the side down people's throats.
Pros and cons. You don't get the same experience on every level, but you can pack a ton of it with you. I tend towards pen and paper RPG's, where the problem's a bit different. The prices for physical copies on those has been going through the roof, so ebook versions are the viable alternative.
Right, standard corp behavior. The bigger they get, the worse it tends to be. Amazon can get away with it to a much bigger degree than most since people are so used to having it around.
That would make sense, but it's going to take a few more years and legalities being put in place to nail the companies that use the Kickstarter process to screw over the people who give them money with the expectation of a finished product at the end.