Posted February 03, 2016

I was looking at the release thread for one of the in development games and it seems they have been vague many times about their game being fully released. Someone posted that their kickstarter estimated the delivery of a completed game on November 2014. Then the last news update on their website said it was coming to Steam March 17th. I do wonder how long this game will stay on early access. I have seen people say that some games have been on early access for over 8 years. I also wonder which of these in development games will be the first to just take the moment and run. Also, one of the games here is early access, but sells DLC to test early features - is that not what early access is for anyway?
Yes, let's blame Steam :-). But I know what you mean, people now have a bad opinion of indie developers, or early access and things due to some underhanded developers screwing them over. I tend to think that if Steam keeps letting horrible games on Steam, games that have made no effort or that are just clones or asset flips, then finding good games will become so hard and it could be that developers stop trying due to the amount of crapware.
They might be contemptible, ungrateful shitbags who happily disregard the people who made them into the company they are today, but at least they've made it clear that they don't give a damn about anything but themselves, their business plan and making as much money as possible.
Yeah, I saw that too. That's actually one of the things that's kept me from grabbing Starcrawlers. Too much confusion on some things, not enough full-on communication for my liking.
And with my backlog, I can afford to wait, or at least impulse buy other things like a lunatic instead.
No idea on the In-Dev DLC thing. That one doesn't sit well with me, at all. If I was making a game and charging money for a beta version, you can believe I'd be spending every second getting it up to a full release. I wouldn't even be thinking about DLC.
It's a combined blame. The developers are the root of the problem, while Steam blindly facilitates their bullshit since they don't care about anything but more money in the end. If a game's good? Yay. If it's bad? Oh well, not their problem.
I think that at the very least, people will widely lose faith in the Early Access/In-Dev/whatever process all together. Steam's already a joke in the quality assurance department, and Early Access has a fair bit to do with that feeling.