Posted February 03, 2016
NoNewTaleToTell: Well...replace "grassy field" with run down old houses and "ripped to shit and covered in machinery" with "meth capital of California" and you get a general idea of what Oildale is like. I grew up in THE ghetto neighborhood of a small southern city that has a crime rate (when ratio is adjusted for population size etc) literally comparable to Philadelphia/NYC etc and even I'm afraid to step foot in Oildale.
Fun story, I once auditioned a guitarist at the guitarist's house in Oildale. We were in his garage, halfway through the audition I see a GIANT rat the size of a possum run along the top of some shelves. I'm not scared of rats or anything but man if it didn't get a reaction out of me.
Sounds downright charming... Fun story, I once auditioned a guitarist at the guitarist's house in Oildale. We were in his garage, halfway through the audition I see a GIANT rat the size of a possum run along the top of some shelves. I'm not scared of rats or anything but man if it didn't get a reaction out of me.
Gotta love all the people who think California is some kind of utopia to aspire to living in, in between laughing at them for being some painfully naive bastards.