Posted February 01, 2016

*hands out hot beverages of choice*
Just dropping in from work to wish you guys a nice day. I'm off to layouting again now.
-passes a drink to you as well-
Hope you have a good day also, with a bare minimum of Monday crap to deal with.

So a weekend that came straight from hell ended, and my wife and I will face some months that are going to be challenging, at least. I'm feeling incredibly exhausted, and I hope things will get better soon. At least I hope that they will feel a bit better.
I hope that you guys had some better days and wish you all good for the week to come. *more hugs, I need them*
Very sorry to hear that you're having such a shitty time. I hope you and your wife get through whatever the issue is so you can both be okay in the end.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by CarrionCrow