AgentBirdnest: Morning Ghost, Endre, everyone.
How are things?
GhostwriterDoF: I’ve started experimenting with making variations of stuffed peppers (bell peppers), the first round was with some leftovers. Sometimes it is fun to fiddle without reading a recipe...
I think hot links and eggs is on the brunch menu for today. :)
edit... hmm, my post echoed, how very odd...
edit 2... I might as well add, that I am downloading Shadowrun Dragonfall for the 6th time thanks to updates, and I haven't been able to play the game yet, though thankfully only installed it twice... heh
Good morning. =)
If it's any consolation, Dragonfall is a
really good game.
Coming from the local hateshrieker, that's saying something. =)
jdsgn: It's a big town, so there are also nice places... But in general, it's a giant lunatic asylum.
I understand. That must get incredibly old to have to deal with all the time.
AgentBirdnest: Morning Ghost, Endre, everyone.
How are things?
Good morning. =)
Can't complain here, having some coffee along with getting killed by the same game that was killing me when we last spoke. -laughs-
Good luck with FTL. Every time I try playing that, I inevitably get my ass kicked, and hard.