moonshineshadow: But at least I managed to reach my 40% finished games goal today before that mess since I finished Captain Toad Treasure Tracker this morning :D
*are we doing a hugging contest? hug*
That is good. It looks like a really fun game, and definitely one I will be getting if I decide to get a Wii U.
A hugging contest? I am not sure I am up to that kind of confrontation, but we could give it a go. :-)
*starter hug*
AgentBirdnest: I'm an American. Of course I didn't check ;-)
*unpatriotic hug*
Did you even check it was the right place before you took the hard drive to burn? Or is your neighbour now hiding scared after some crazy Agent broke in and ripped out the hard drive before burning it while trying to talk in German? :-)
*random silly hug*