EndreWhiteMane: I didn't notice the collection, that's a great deal too. About $5 over my current budget though. :-)
Edit: You can take the monthly for just 1 month if you want.
ElTerprise: Yep. Just read that too...i mean i'd prefer having Alien: Isolation drm free but that won't happen anytime soon...so i could easily get it for Steam then...at least i don't have to decide immeadiately...because the Monthly also give a bundle...+Alien Isolation...
Concerning your decisions. Wouldn't it be better to wait for a complete Civ: Beyond Earth Collection on sale to get it?
The Humble bundle has BE plus the small DLC plus a 33% coupon for the other DLC, that would be $35.00 total, not too bad. The bundle sadly also has a bunch of other great games that I already have.
Tough decisions in this life. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Beyond Earth and Pandora are about the only games that come close to Sid Meir's Alpha Centauri that are also fairly decent. Very slim pickings in the "Planetary 4X" genre.
ddickinson: I can see the problem as I know you really like 4X games in space. So it's a scary Alien game, a 4X space game, or a philosophical puzzle game. I think if it was me I would go for the puzzle game at the moment if it was a good game, but then I have never really played any 4X space games, so maybe those would win if I liked them. The Alien game never really appealed to me for some reason, not sure why.
Those 3 are 'land based 4X sci-fi' games, quite rare. :-)