penumbren: Arrrrrrgh. I've spent a good chunk of the afternoon poking at elance and and feeling completely insignificant. I hate, hate, hate, HATE writing up crap to describe myself as an amazing person who does outstanding, marvelous work like you've never seen before (!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!1!), and I have to, and it sucks.
I'm also in the lovely position of being able to run a department, do outstanding office work, and actually have quite a lot of experience in communication, writing, and computer skills... and no way to translate most of that to independent work, let alone create a portfolio out of it. (Portfolio? I spent over eight years working in corrections - I don't have any of my own work, and even if I did, it was all confidential!)
I'm a little frustrated, as you may be able to tell. I know I can work through it all and get to where I can make this work, but these beginning stumbling steps where I just feel incompetent are going to drive me up a fricking wall.

CarrionCrow: Well, if you get to a point where it's driving you bugfuck insane, I offer this -
Pass me the info regarding your abilities, what you're wanting to convey, and I can fiddle around with it, see if I can make it sound good, then pass it back to you.
(Yes, ironically enough, I'm suggesting you use me to freelance your freelance. =) )
No personal info of course, nothing you're uncomfortable with. I write in general chunks, you add the personal bits as needed.
No, seriously, you're cool. I like you. Doesn't happen too often that people just help each other nowadays... I live in a big town where everyone seems to hate everyone else ):