ddickinson: Anime is quite diverse, so I can understand people having their own preferences with it. I never heard that line (what is it with anime and tentacles? o_O). I have not really played much of it, so I have probably missed many aspects of the game.
Tradition... It's from one of the "secret" characters, so it's possible you haven't seen it.
ddickinson: That sounds good, being able to play it in smaller chunks. Do the newer GTA games work like that, or do they require more time per play?
I've played only GTA3, Vice City and a little bit of San Andreas and IV. I think you need more time per session for GTA, because there are a lot more story missions which are longer and involve lengthy cut-scenes and dialogue (SR has more "activities" - just go there and start them) and you have to travel a lot more and farther. Also in SR you can save anywhere, not just in your hideout (although you end up in the nearest "crib" when you load the game). Also in SR you can just go "freestyle" and ie. race a car trough the city, and you still make some progress, since nearly everything you do (like closely passing other cars, power-drifting, going down the wrong lane... even shop clothes) earns you respect, which is required to level up, while in GTA you actually have to accomplish
something to progress the game in any way.
ddickinson: Shame, the darkness makes it more fun, although seeing the controller can be a little hard. :-)
Do you enjoy playing horror games? I have not played many, but I have a few (like Amnesia) that I will get around to trying someday. They are not my favourite genre, but I don't mind being scared now and then on a game. Have fun with the naked twins! :-)
I've not played games I would consider "horror" in a while. I played Among the Sleep for some time, but got stuck in one place. I don't count FEAR or Doom 3 as "horror", since I simply don't find them any scary.
I really liked Silent Hill, but I could only play it at a friend's place (never had a Playstation myself). From my Amiga days I still remember Elvira 1+2 and Waxworks - those were pretty good back then.
There are a few games that I would not count among "horror games" but that had genuinely scary parts that I really likes: Thief, System Shock 2 and STALKER come to mind.
moonshineshadow: Awww *they are so cute hug*
Yeah I have to say, I also don't use many of the things the script adds. Only thing for the forum is the post preview since that makes it easy to see if the quotes got messed up when deleting parts :D
The things I use most are Quick reply and [Ctrl]+[Y]. Sooo useful!