genkicolleen: Penumbren, glad you were able to get your car fixed! I'm sure that's a relief, and your FiL leaving the hospital really is great news!
I have literally a hundred things to get done before Christmas, and now hubby's got a 102 fever :( GAH! It'll all get done somehow, but I really wanted to do some of these things WITH him! :(
EndreWhiteMane: Hope your hubby gets well quick, my temp was at 102 yesterday, got it down to 100 today, much better.
Good news Penumbren, glad to hear it.
Thanks! Today is definitely shaping up. I'm not sure if I'm getting over something or just getting something, but my nasty cough can go away ASAP. :P FiL isn't home yet, but we're waiting on his call.
Hope you and your families get better quickly, too!
Now I just have to figure out if the price on Raven is worth it*, since I'm pretty well tapped out after the last few sales and paying bills. (If I was a bit more flush, I'd probably just pick up everything I don't already have, since picking and choosing my more wanted items to compare puts me about $4 less. O.O )
*As I'm in the SS giveaway, it would be as a gift purchase, I swear! Whether for myself or someone else, it's a terribly tempting price.