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ddickinson: I don't mind rage games when playing them with my partner, that makes them more fun. I don't really play them for the score or anything, so I think I escape a lot of the frustration that those going for the best time/score would get. Not that I don't have fun trying, but I don't let it bother me if I don't get the time and things.

As I said, maybe my dislike for Hunie Pop is that I am not the biggest fan of the genre. I can see the appeal, and it is done in a more silly way than serious, which helps it I think. i don't think her breasts were that large to require arm support :-). It just seemed a little strange. I will admit I like some of the costumes, and I have heard that as far as dating sims go it is not too bad. The match 3 was okay, especially with the items you can use. Although it did seem a little easy once you start to level up.
Would agree with you there. Trying to get every bandage, warp zone and A+ time in Meat Boy is an experience somewhere between infuriating and "I think I need to kill something now".

I don't have a lot of experience with dating sims by any means, but that part was just an exercise in memorization for me. As the game went on, I tried to memorize the key stats for each girl, so I could answer each question correctly.
The match-3 got progressively harder as the game went on, I remember losing more than once on the last characters' stages.
NoNewTaleToTell: On a related note, has anyone here tried Nether: Resurrected? From what I can tell it was a promising open world FPS post apocalyptic MMO (yes I know, they're a dime a dozen now), the devs lost control of it and the new owners ran it into the ground with microtransactions and a bunch of other junk, the original devs managed to regain some level of control over it and they stripped out the junk and it's apparently on an upswing, it even has a single player mode now. It's in a bundle for $3.49 or so and I'm considering taking a chance on it because I'm a sucker for open world games.
G'devenoon, N2T3.
You had me at "open world FPS post apocalyptic"... then lost me at "MMO" :-p It looks a bit STALKER-ish, which is a good thing in my book...
(I'm bookmarking Starship Command to have a closer look tomorrow.)
Post edited January 29, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
CarrionCrow: Would agree with you there. Trying to get every bandage, warp zone and A+ time in Meat Boy is an experience somewhere between infuriating and "I think I need to kill something now".

I don't have a lot of experience with dating sims by any means, but that part was just an exercise in memorization for me. As the game went on, I tried to memorize the key stats for each girl, so I could answer each question correctly.
The match-3 got progressively harder as the game went on, I remember losing more than once on the last characters' stages.
I enjoyed the small part I played of Super Meat Boy. I wonder why it is not on GOG as they have the DRM-Free version on Humble, which is the one I have been playing.

Hmmm. Maybe I am remembering the game wrong. My head is all over the place recently, and I was more of a spectator than a player due to me not really being up to staring at a screen for too long. I guess we had the advantage of there been three of us so we had an easier time remembering the facts to get the points to upgrade. I would not say it is a bad game, it seems well polished and we encountered no bugs or anything, and it does exactly what it says it does without pretending to be anything deep.
ddickinson: I know how that is, having lots going on and not being able to sleep. I hope you are able to get some sleep soon so that you won't be feeling too tired in the morning. Anything we can do to help you sleep? Alcohol, rhino tranquillisers, a big ACME hammer blow to the head perhaps? :-)
Ooooooooh... Those rhino-tranquilizers sure sound lovely (I'll pass on the ACME hammer though >__o)
Or, I'll just hang out here for a few more minutes. Seems that reading posts here is helping me drift off... Not that you guys are boring, of course. Quite the opposite. You are so interesting that my brain needs to start shutting down to protect itself from an interesting overdose ;-)
I think I had better call it a night. I am struggling a bit to keep up with chat and the thread so I think it is best I try to get some rest. I only intended to make a quick visit to reply to my chat but I got distracted with a few things. Not that is has not been nice, it is usually lovely chatting to you all on here. I am still not sure how often I will be online, but I will hopefully see you all soon. As always, take care of yourselves and try to behave. :-)

*hugs and silly waves*

AgentBirdnest: Ooooooooh... Those rhino-tranquilizers sure sound lovely (I'll pass on the ACME hammer though >__o)
Or, I'll just hang out here for a few more minutes. Seems that reading posts here is helping me drift off... Not that you guys are boring, of course. Quite the opposite. You are so interesting that my brain needs to start shutting down to protect itself from an interesting overdose ;-)
Awww, so I can't use this hammer? *puts the giant hammer away* :-(

I hope you will be able to get some good sleep. I will be trying to get some sleep myself, but I look forward to chatting again soon, hopefully I will have interesting stuff to talk about next time.

*big goodnight hug with a jar of peanut butter mixed with rhino tranquillisers*
ddickinson: I hope you will be able to get some good sleep. I will be trying to get some sleep myself, but I look forward to chatting again soon, hopefully I will have interesting stuff to talk about next time.

*big goodnight hug with a jar of peanut butter mixed with rhino tranquillisers*
It's always interesting. I was just kidding ;-) Thanks for the company. See you another time, DD. Take care of yourself.
*big goodnight hug*

I'll be leaving too. My eyes are finally giving up for the night.
*eats some of this lovely peanut butter that DD gave m-.......* =__= zzzZZZZzzzzzzZZZzzzzz
Post edited January 29, 2016 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: That is not good, but still, you would think they would have a backup somewhere. But then I guess you don't expect to be robbed.
It is reassuring that GOG is curating it. From what I have seen there are horrible games on Early Access. I don't really mind the new feature on GOG, just as long as it does not take away form proper finished games and releases.
As i said imho they were pretty naive but then again i also lost some data for university because i forgot to back it up properly so i won't blame them - although i guess in their case it might've been slightly more important.

Yep. That's the way i see it too. I don't want to see the count-less cheap survival games here :)
good morning!
getting near the end in Technobabylon, I think.
A bit stuck now... but had a really good time yesterday. Maybe even played too much, kinda tired now :)

happy with the early access. I'm sure it helps developers and the gaming culture in general.
Only problem is I've blown my budget for games for a while :)
Post edited January 29, 2016 by superstande
*hugs and waves*
Good morning!

*hugs and waves*

Friday at last...
I've been influenced by the dark sulky Irish character in Black Books, so no hugs :P... *waves to Moon and Tom*
Good morning, everybody. I really need some *hugs* today, I'm afraid. But please don't ask - I'm not ready to tell yet...

PalioDeMonte: Everything good with me, just managed to get rid of my flu after two weeks, so there's only a small indigestion left. My wife's also sick since New Year's Day, but it's getting better. But everything that counts - love, job, games, books, music, movies - is fine at the moment. I'm considering to write about the movies I've watched on a more regular basis, but I'm not sure if I'm wanting to take that time away from actually watching them ;)
ddickinson: I am glad to hear you are over the flu, and it is good to hear that your wife is feeling a little better, especially after feeling ill for so long. I hope she will be feeling a lot better soon and that you both can enjoy the rest of the year. Do you enjoy writing reviews?
Thanks. I always have a bad conscience talking about those minor inconveniences, taking into account that other people have really serious health issues...

In fact, I' don't like writing reviews, but I love to chat about movies or music. So don't expect any reviews from me - I might just write down when something moves me and hope that some others also like to talk about it :D
PalioDeMonte: Good morning, everybody. I really need some *hugs* today, I'm afraid. But please don't ask - I'm not ready to tell yet...
*extra big comforting hug* Not asking, but when you feel ready to talk, feel free to do so here or in chat :-)
PalioDeMonte: Good morning, everybody. I really need some *hugs* today, I'm afraid. But please don't ask - I'm not ready to tell yet...
*really big hug* with *extra hugs to get you through the day*
PalioDeMonte: Good morning, everybody. I really need some *hugs* today, I'm afraid. But please don't ask - I'm not ready to tell yet...
**Big comforting hugs with a lot of extra garlic snails, without asking any question**

Good morning everybody !
**Big hugs, polite waves, cold viruses and coffee**