moonshineshadow: It is not really a bad game. It is just a bad game when it comes and calls itself Gothic 4... which it clearly was not. If you can see it as a seperate game it probably is not that bad... and if it had been released without pretending to be Gothic 4 and messing everything up (and with that I mean everything, story, gameplay, atmosphere), I might even have enjoyed it, just as a nice RPG.
I am so glad that Piranha Bytes got the rights to Gothic back... The Gothic 3 Addon (which was really really bad) and Arcania were enough of stupid stuff that should have never been released in the Gothic universe.
And now I'll stop since I could go on about this for hours :P
It's okay, I like seeing you talk about it. Right now, for example - thanks to you, I know the right way to approach it for maximum rage when I actually get that far. =)
j0ekerr: Don't tell me you've gone gallivating on the other threads again? You know how being exposed to sheer undilluted pontificating idiocy irritates your bilious bladder.
About BoH. I fixed the epub and realized that I did their work for them.
Why do I like formatting text so? I must be a frustrated typesetter.
Also from a book design standpoint, Dungeon World is rather... calling it 'poor' is being too nice. It's the equivalent of picking up four plywood panels, putting a corrugated one on top and calling it a house.
A couple, yes. Enough to vent a bit or just shake my head and laugh, then come back here.
-laughs- Maybe you've found your calling in life.
Ended up skipping that series since I'm a bit burned out on medieval fantasy in terms of RPG settings.
Still waiting for the Paranoia, Unknown Armies and Laundry offers to come back around.