EndreWhiteMane: Well, before I gave anyone the chance to talk me back from the brink of insanity, I purchased Sunless Sea and the Humble Weekly Bundle.
The more I read about SS the more it sounded like something I could get lost in for quite a while.
The bundle was just way too good a deal for $10, there are 4 drm free games in there I've wanted for a while.
Call me crazy, call me wild, call me when dinner is ready. :-)
adaliabooks: Let us know what Sunless Sea is like. It seems really interesting and is quite high on my wishlist. But I'd hate to spend money on it if it's not great..
ddickinson: I'm not sure what my favourite genre of game is. It tends to change all the time, depending on my mood. I like most kinds, with the exception of sports games, racing games, and Pigeon dating games. :-)
I'm not as keen on a lot of the newer games, especially the indie games. I know many love them, but they just seem so cheap and lazy to me. Not all of them, of course, some are wonderful. But too many are just poorly made, IMO.
adaliabooks: I would say RPGs are my favourite genre, followed by strategy and city building / sim type games. But I will also play most things other than sports and racing games (and dating games although I can't say I don't want to play Hatoful Boyfriend just once...). I've never been much of a fan of adventure games, except for Discworld Noir.
I kind of disagree about the indie games though, they're mostly the only newer games I can stand. Sure some require a bit of polish or are lacking somewhere, but there are some real gems out there. Big budget AAA titles do nothing for me anymore, unless they are Nintendo games.
I don't have a lot of experience with city builder types (looks at the stuff Lynette so generously gifted to me guiltily), but I'd like to give them a shot.
Sports and racing are also generally a pass, aside from my recurring desire to gift people really crap looking soccer/football games.
And yes, independents are getting a bad name by association due to all the lazy shits who think "indie" is shorthand for "let's make a pile of crap that's vaguely retro looking so suckers buy it".
Also, it's funny that you mention triple A games.
Dear gods, I hate that fucking title, by the way. It smacks of, "it's triple A, we spent millions on this, it's guaranteed to be good!"
Right, tell that to people who've bought "triple-A" games from Ubisoft or Square-Enix lately.
Haven't rented a "triple-A" game since Borderlands 2, and the greedy assholes did so much DLC for it that I pointedly skipped the next game in the series because of their approach to game production.