AgentBirdnest: The
perk of having a headache...
(Can I borrow that when you're done with it? ^^)
Nothing happens here on Wednesdays, right? I mean, no new games or anything?
Thanks. I really need to bookmark the badge site :)
Sure you can have it too :)
Well might get something ....
toxicTom: Hello everybody!
*hugs and waves*
Sorry that I've been away for so long. I had problems, job related, family related, health-wise and finally (not surprisingly) mental.
I hope you are all reasonably well at least :-)
Hey *big hug*
No need to apologize. That's absolutely understandable considering these problems you mentioned. I hope they're gone now?
How are you doing? I'm not really good today - mostly due to a really lovely headache...