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ElTerprise: Alright. Just fell asleep for a moment. I should go to bed know. Good night and see you later :)
Good night, sleep well.
ElTerprise: Well i guess that is a weakness with gameplay like that. It can result in a dead end....

I actually really like the idea of having a stress as a gameplay element - and it seems like it's well implemented in the game.
Sounds like i'm going to get it then. Really like to try that out...

Alright. Just fell asleep for a moment. I should go to bed know. Good night and see you later :)
The stress makes all the difference. It adds a serious layer to the formation-based combat.

Have a good night. =)
*makes a half-assed "waving" motion*

Hey, folks. Life's been a little on the challenging side of late, haven't been too eager to hold conversation... I did want to stick my head in and say hello, though, as I'm quite fond of the lot of you, and though I've rarely the comfort and resources combined that I require to express it, I've grown a lot and received a lot of guidance and support in life from the folks here, even if mostly in ways none of you would ever know about.

Enough with All Things Feels-Related, I really feel the need to chime in about Darkest Dungeon, though I'm not of mind to say anything of any real import. I just want to say that the sh*t is about as punishing and frustrating as a video game can be, and yet I've still logged a good 20 hours into it (I realize that's not a lot for many games, but I quite intentionally play rogue-likes as a "casual," low-commitment type of experience, so I may well log 100 hours in, but it won't be until a good year or two have passed, usually with the game being installed on my system the entire time. I'm the same way with some turn-based tactical games, like XCOM: EU/EW.

The RNG issue really does get frustrating, but what's odd is that I almost find it a delightful addition to the gameplay, given the element of "stress" that the players are facing already. Everything is unsure, you're never on solid ground, and when you complete a mission with just one room left to explore, you really are taking a risk by deciding to explore that last room before returning to town. Sometimes the most casual of decisions becomes the one you regret the most, for reasons you hadn't even conceived of (but this will mostly only happen when you go to a new area with enemies with different quirks and such). The art and the spoken narration alone are probably enough for me, to be completely honest. The rest could all be dumb luck, and I would be none the wiser. It's gorgeous and incredibly endearing. And it will turn your knuckles white while you grind your teeth, should you have any. ;)

*hugs and waves all around*
akhliber: [zipity-zip]
*hugs and waves all around*
*waves and hugs*
or... *hugs with waves* .. if that's possible?

A cool introduction to the game :) Thank you!
Hope your rest of the Winter goes very nicely!

EndreWhiteMane: Bought the lowest tier of this today, seems like some fun listening:
I'm pretty sure it is!
I used to listen to Lake Wobegon and Car Talk on Sundays back in the day. NPR was a really fun thing.
I love this one guy in Car Talk, he has this special kind of laughter - and when he gets going, I just can't stop laughing myself :) ... have to check out my budget... might grab all the tiers this week...
Post edited January 25, 2016 by superstande
Skyrim is almost saved from Alduin!...but man does this quest seem to drag on. I get it, it's the final part of the main quest but blah. I was probably impressed my first go round, it just feels like a slog now. To be fair I'm about Skyrim'ed out again.

Once I'm done with this I'll probably start Silence of the Sleep, a neat looking game that screams "The Cat Lady clone", which isn't a bad thing in my book.
-laughing hard- I learned all about the downfall of "just one more room". Took my team through one of the opening dungeons, beat the quest, but there was one more room...
I hit the door, there's a pack of monsters, my crusader gets shredded.

I'm sorry to hear that things have been rough with you lately. Hopefully they'll start improving soon.
NoNewTaleToTell: Skyrim is almost saved from Alduin!...but man does this quest seem to drag on. I get it, it's the final part of the main quest but blah. I was probably impressed my first go round, it just feels like a slog now. To be fair I'm about Skyrim'ed out again.

Once I'm done with this I'll probably start Silence of the Sleep, a neat looking game that screams "The Cat Lady clone", which isn't a bad thing in my book.
Shit, your patience has held out longer than mine ever did. Played that game for over a hundred hours, finally got so bored with the routine that I couldn't keep doing it.
Post edited January 25, 2016 by CarrionCrow
Good morning, thread!

*coffee for everyone* I hope that's not too strong. I'm not used to making coffee. *sips tea*
Yezemin: Good morning, thread!

*coffee for everyone* I hope that's not too strong. I'm not used to making coffee. *sips tea*
Good morning. =)

No worries. Unless it's eating a hole through the cup, there's no such thing as too strong.

How are you doing today?
*hugs and waves*

Yezemin: Good morning, thread!
*coffee for everyone* I hope that's not too strong. I'm not used to making coffee. *sips tea*
Hmmm.... could I perhaps have some of the tea instead? :D
Good morning Fred, and friends of Fred. *big hugs, waves, and cat hair* (she is already on my lap, after being awake for an entire 31 seconds :-))
akhliber: *makes a half-assed "waving" motion*

Hey, folks. Life's been a little on the challenging side of late, haven't been too eager to hold conversation... I did want to stick my head in and say hello, though, as I'm quite fond of the lot of you, and though I've rarely the comfort and resources combined that I require to express it, I've grown a lot and received a lot of guidance and support in life from the folks here, even if mostly in ways none of you would ever know about.
*hugs and waves all around*
Sorry to hear that. Thanks for popping in anyway. Always good to hear from you and hear what's up, even if what's up isn't the most spectacular stuff. Keep hanging in there, Akh. Take all the *extra-big comforting hugs* you need, and know that we won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I hope life will get a little more friendly for you.
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
-good morning waves back- =)
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

No worries. Unless it's eating a hole through the cup, there's no such thing as too strong.

How are you doing today?
I'm doing fine. Thank you.

moonshineshadow: Hmmm.... could I perhaps have some of the tea instead? :D
Sure, no problem.

*good morning hug with tea*
Good morning everyone!!

*sleepy hugs*

Maths exam at 13: 00 hours, so I'm getting an hour of free time before I head of to meet my destiny.

And I had a dream about bicycling of towards Brussels and attending a concert having a massive choral piece I don't think exists but which really rocked...
Well, crap. Sleep is such a waste. But it's required.

Have a good night/day, everyone. =)
Yezemin: *good morning hug with tea*
Not fair! :-O
Can I get hot chocolate? ;-)

Oh, and good morning :-)
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
*insanely massive epic super Moonday hug* \o/
Vnlr: Good morning everyone!!
Good morning, Vnlr! Sounds like a really nice dream. Good luck with the exam :-)
*big hug*
CarrionCrow: Well, crap. Sleep is such a waste. But it's required.

Have a good night/day, everyone. =)
Good night, Mr Crow! Sleep well :-)
Post edited January 25, 2016 by AgentBirdnest