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superstande: Hjello Owl! :)
*happy almost New Year hug*
the job has its good days yes :) mostly when I can read a book :P
we have -9C :) but supposedly it's going to get warmer... what a strange global weather...
Ho wow... what are you reading ? :)
My colleague told me she heard we'll have the worst winter since a hundred years, within a month or two ; I really don't look forward to it :-( i HATE being cold...
EndreWhiteMane: Glad you're weather is nice, there are floods, tornadoes, snow, and all kinds of bad things happening around the world. Very strange weather lately.
*big bearhug*
Yes... because of Earth global warming... they're all talking about it now, though, it's not 'new'/unknown anymore... Unfortunately our politicians don't want to do anything against that. They don't feel concerned... preventing global warming costs money, whereas pollution/polluting activities make them earn money... the choice is quickly made. Our (grand)kids will pay... :\
Post edited December 28, 2015 by Empress_Owl
superstande: Yo people!
Did Agent indulge into the world of Coffee Cult...? :)
Shhhh... I changed my mind... I need to remain in the "No Coffee Club" with Moon. I want to get a badge for it :-p
AgentBirdnest: Shhhh... I changed my mind... I need to remain in the "No Coffee Club" with Moon. I want to get a badge for it :-p
:-( aaaawww
You won't get the "Coffee Club" badge, that's all !! >:-\
Post edited December 28, 2015 by Empress_Owl
superstande: Yo people!
Did Agent indulge into the world of Coffee Cult...? :)
AgentBirdnest: Shhhh... I changed my mind... I need to remain in the "No Coffee Club" with Moon. I want to get a badge for it :-p
Yeah :D
*big hug*
Empress_Owl: :-( aaaawww
You won't get the "Coffee Club" badge, that's all !! >:-\
So there is a "No Coffee Club" badge and a "Coffee Club" badge? :-O
Is there any way to get both badges? I hate not having all the badges >:-|
AgentBirdnest: So there is a "No Coffee Club" badge and a "Coffee Club" badge? :-O
Is there any way to get both badges? I hate not having all the badges >:-|
Of course not ! >:-| you'll have to choose your camp...
Empress_Owl: Of course not ! >:-| you'll have to choose your camp...
*glomps Owl,pins her to the gound and begins to snuggle her alot*
AgentBirdnest: So there is a "No Coffee Club" badge and a "Coffee Club" badge? :-O
Is there any way to get both badges? I hate not having all the badges >:-|
Empress_Owl: Of course not ! >:-| you'll have to choose your camp...
Don't try to lure him into your coffee camp, the no coffee club is already pretty empty :P
Hurm, the Duke. overly masculine chauvinistic warrior. Obvious compensation. Possible homosexual?

Good moaning, how are yez?
moonshineshadow: Don't try to lure him into your coffee camp, the no coffee club is already pretty empty :P
I'm in that club. It is a very exclusive club.
*sips tea in a posh manner*
Hurrrm has my original sin expired?
Anyone wants it?
Post edited December 28, 2015 by j0ekerr
*waves at thread* Hello everyone!
moonshineshadow: Don't try to lure him into your coffee camp, the no coffee club is already pretty empty :P
Where can I sign up? I'm a strictly no-coffee gal.
EndreWhiteMane: Not very far in because I'm switching between several games but so far I'm enjoying it a lot. Think Fallout meets Metro. Seems solid and stable, a few annoying things in the UI but not bad. All in all glad I bought it.
Alright, thanks. Sounds good - now I'm sure I want to play it :)
Happy to know you liked it.
I haven't played Metro but have seen enough of videos to know what you mean, I think.
Been spending a vast amount of time with Saints Row IV. When I'm done with that, I think something a bit more for my brains is necessary :)

Empress_Owl: Ho wow... what are you reading ? :)
My colleague told me she heard we'll have the worst winter since a hundred years, within a month or two ; I really don't look forward to it :-( i HATE being cold...
Oh no!
Stock up on big woollen socks... or hire an army of grannies to fix you up ;)
I'm reading a bit strange but interesting book, Wisdom Eccentrics.

superstande: Yo people!
Did Agent indulge into the world of Coffee Cult...? :)
AgentBirdnest: Shhhh... I changed my mind... I need to remain in the "No Coffee Club" with Moon. I want to get a badge for it :-p
Alright... Suit yourself!
I'm sure the Coffee Club badge is just... magnificent! :P
Made of... gold... and mercury... and ... coffee... :)
Post edited December 28, 2015 by superstande
Empress_Owl: Of course not ! >:-| you'll have to choose your camp...
moonshineshadow: Don't try to lure him into your coffee camp, the no coffee club is already pretty empty :P
Even God is in the coffee camp ;-p you're screwed !
superstande: I'm sure the Coffee Club badge is just... magnificent! :P
Made of... gold... and mercury... and ... coffee... :)
It is... :-p
So much more fancy and shiny than the boring No Coffee Club Badge... ! ^^ heehee !
Post edited December 28, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: :-( aaaawww
You won't get the "Coffee Club" badge, that's all !! >:-\
AgentBirdnest: So there is a "No Coffee Club" badge and a "Coffee Club" badge? :-O
Is there any way to get both badges? I hate not having all the badges >:-|
You have to do multiple playthroughs for that.
Course, the game tends to suck a fair bit, so you might not want to come back to it for a second round.

Additional - Whoever thought it was a great idea to combine bad aiming, extra objects for a character to latch onto when they're trying desperately to grab a certain thing, and a heavily punishing time limit needs to be kicked in the crotch repeatedly.
Post edited December 28, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: You have to do multiple playthroughs for that.
Course, the game tends to suck a fair bit, so you might not want to come back to it for a second round.
This playthrough is already pretty long, and there is no quicksave function. I'd probably get bored quickly if I started a new game. Might as well finish this one, and get the shinier badge.
CarrionCrow: Additional - Whoever thought it was a great idea to combine bad aiming, extra objects for a character to latch onto when they're trying desperately to grab a certain thing, and a heavily punishing time limit needs to be kicked in the crotch repeatedly.
What are you playing? ô__ô
Best guess : The Wonderful End of the World
Post edited December 28, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Fuck you, game. Played that stupid, shitty level until I couldn't see straight, figured out how to do it, came back rested and beat it.
No more shitty mini-games left, I've beaten them all.
AgentBirdnest: What are you playing? ô__ô
Best guess : The Wonderful End of the World
Genki's Mind Over Murder, hard level, in Saints Row 4.
Post edited December 28, 2015 by CarrionCrow