l0rdtr3k: Slightly unpopular opinion incoming!
I adore the Fable series. Yes,it's oversold and it doesn't deliver on alot of promisses but that doesn't mean they're bad games.Sure,it's not Baldur's Gate(BTW,best and most epic RPG saga to ever be releases IMO) but they feel like an epic adventure and as far as F3 goes,it's not that bad. It might not be Fable 2 but it's still is a lot of fun and I really loved the story.
I started playing fable anniversary but it just didn't... grab me. I thought I would love revisiting my fable1 world. I didn't remember how damn weird the controls were.
it's the 26th here, ate so much chololate and general shiz. no turkey. saving it for tomorrow... today... waiting for friends to have the fiest. drank many interesting alcaholic bevies today
bobs burgers is the best freakin show in the universe/of all time.