Posted February 05, 2015

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2013
From France

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 05, 2015

I don't want to punch you at all !!! :-D
** Bigger Hug **

*group hug with Owl and Agent*

I don't want to punch you at all !!! :-D
** Bigger Hug **

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2015
Some of the Imperial Guard novels are quite good for people new to the lore. What have you read so far?
LaPtiteBete: Oh yeah, ** group hug ** !!! :-D I love the little picture. But I never knew your arms were that long. :-)
Post edited February 05, 2015 by ddickinson

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2015
The Ciaphas Cain novels are quite good for those new to the series. Other books that are easy for those new to the lore is Rebel Winter, Commissar, Fifteen Hours, Relentless and Ice Guard. They are all Imperial Guard novels, but they are not too deep in lore, so it's easier to follow and they make good military Sci-Fi novels. There are probably others, and maybe others that are better, but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my mind. Just keep in mind that the writing is nothing incredible, so don't expect a masterpiece when you read them, just a nice and easy read.

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted February 05, 2015
Gotta take my money and go thrifting. Maybe I'll get lucky and find one book(gotta be REALLY lucky).
But I can rely on you and some other sources for lore. And since I love military sci-fi(Starship Troopers is one of my faves) I guess I'll enjoy the Imperial Guard novels afterall,I love the Guard mostly thanks for Winter Assault and Final Liberation.
ddickinson: The Ciaphas Cain novels are quite good for those new to the series. Other books that are easy for those new to the lore is Rebel Winter, Commissar, Fifteen Hours, Relentless and Ice Guard. They are all Imperial Guard novels, but they are not too deep in lore, so it's easier to follow and they make good military Sci-Fi novels. There are probably others, and maybe others that are better, but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my mind. Just keep in mind that the writing is nothing incredible, so don't expect a masterpiece when you read them, just a nice and easy read.
But I can rely on you and some other sources for lore. And since I love military sci-fi(Starship Troopers is one of my faves) I guess I'll enjoy the Imperial Guard novels afterall,I love the Guard mostly thanks for Winter Assault and Final Liberation.

Registered: May 2013
From France

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2015

But I can rely on you and some other sources for lore. And since I love military sci-fi(Starship Troopers is one of my faves) I guess I'll enjoy the Imperial Guard novels afterall,I love the Guard mostly thanks for Winter Assault and Final Liberation.
I do know the movie. And she was a cool mummy as well, so you also have that in common. :-)
Post edited February 05, 2015 by ddickinson

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted February 05, 2015
I like the movie. The effects are awesome and I feel it captured the mood of the novel.
But I need more military sci fi,it's my favourite genre in books. What else can I read?
But I need more military sci fi,it's my favourite genre in books. What else can I read?

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2015

But I need more military sci fi,it's my favourite genre in books. What else can I read?
If you are looking for book recommendations, have you ever tried Good Reads? If you register and tell it what books you like, it will generate recommendations for you, as well as showing user reviews and stuff like that. There are also lots of lists that users make with different categories, such as military Sci-Fi. It's a site owned by Amazon, and so it also link to Amazon as well, where you can get a free sample on most ebooks (which you can read on a Kindle, a Kindle app on iOS or Android, or you can read it through your browser), which gives you a feel for the quality of the novel.

Registered: May 2013
From France

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2015
So are you saying you're not a cool mummy? I can't believe that. I think most mums are cool to their kids, especially when they are younger. Then they reach their teens and rebel, but once they become adults they see just how cool mums are. At least that's what I think about my mum, she's awesome. :-)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted February 05, 2015

Your mom is lucky ; she has an awesome daughter !! :-)