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Ixamyakxim: Thanks! I think part of me was hoping it was some crazy new engine (like a few of the other games that have recently had "HD" / engine remakes) that would let me try and crank up the resolution.

I have to go back to this one - guilty confession - while I played it on release (I remember going CRAZY waiting for this one to come out!) I never finished it. I went pretty far along but never wrapped it up. I should fix that sooner rather than later I think...
And with that one, you've got three playthroughs to do...
Hello again everyone. Actually managed to install Arch Linux on my laptop this time because i was apparently able to fix the ethernet issue with a workaround....

Anyway...just wanted to wish everyone a Good Night as i'm going to sleep now :)

dfektive: Does Quake seriously come without the music soundtrack? I was so excited too.
Uhm afaik the music is included as an .img file for Quake 1. See here...
ElTerprise: Hello again everyone. Actually managed to install Arch Linux on my laptop this time because i was apparently able to fix the ethernet issue with a workaround....

Anyway...just wanted to wish everyone a Good Night as i'm going to sleep now :)
Gradually becoming more and more sure that Linux, just as a program in general, enjoys tormenting you.

Have a good night, sleep well. =)
CarrionCrow: And with that one, you've got three playthroughs to do...
Oooooh greatest tease ever... please don't tell me if you were just referring to the three "classes" (Navy, Marine and... I forget LOL) or if there are three possible endings!

My first go through I went Navy I think - the hacking focus one. I was good midclass arms (pistols and the assault style weapon) and hacking - LOVED hacking! I hate being unable to hack chests and such - plus the computer systems. I feel guilty because I never touched the "magic." I think my playthrough might be a rehash of my first character as I enjoyed that one - though I could be persuaded to try the magic based one.

If you're messing about with Linux, I suggest trying to get a game called Thea up and running. A forum user introduced me to it about a week ago and pointed out that the devs released a free untested Linux build of the game. I promptly grabbed it and had a BLAST playing it - I'm a total Linux idiot and I had it up and running (along with a Wine install) in about 30 minutes or so.

It's sort of like Heroes of Might and Magic meets Expedition: Conquistador but with a focus on survival and resource harvesting / crafting. Plus a really cool card game battle mechanic instead of the usual hexbased tactical battle. Awesome game.
I honestly don't know on that one. I beat it years ago, also with the hacker class. Not sure if I've ever even attempted a psionics run before.

The Linux thing would work for EIT. I'll just stick with buying the game for Windows if that's how it's available. I'd undoubtedly scorch my computer trying to switch the OS around.
ElTerprise: Hello again everyone. Actually managed to install Arch Linux on my laptop this time because i was apparently able to fix the ethernet issue with a workaround....

Anyway...just wanted to wish everyone a Good Night as i'm going to sleep now :)

dfektive: Does Quake seriously come without the music soundtrack? I was so excited too.
ElTerprise: Uhm afaik the music is included as an .img file for Quake 1. See here...
Not brave enough for Arch, but have have 3 other flavors going. Max-15, Ubuntu and Linux lite. A couple others on my older desktop via Virtualbox.

Good Night :)
ElTerprise: Uhm afaik the music is included as an .img file for Quake 1. See here...
Thanks much ET, but they lose me in that thread.
I can't find a solid place to get the programs needed or follow where/how to rip the tracks.
I'm just not in the mood to deal with it all over 1 game. Even if that game happens to be Quake.
If someone who has done it was there to hold my hand maybe.
Just didn't know the purchase included the inconvenience. Like I said, had it been stated in the Desc.
Stupid game, telling me insane mode is impossible. The 150 in a row I just got begs to differ.
CarrionCrow: Gradually becoming more and more sure that Linux, just as a program in general, enjoys tormenting you.

Have a good night, sleep well. =)
What makes you think that? :)
The trouble i had / have is related to the hardware in my laptop and its shoddy driver support - at least for my ethernet card....
My previous Debian install was running really well :)

NoAGood: Not brave enough for Arch, but have have 3 other flavors going. Max-15, Ubuntu and Linux lite. A couple others on my older desktop via Virtualbox.

Good Night :)
Hm...well was my third try to get it installed :)
My other computer still runs Debian Jessie and i have no intention to change that. Settled with that one after trying Mint and Xubuntu.

dfektive: Thanks much ET, but they lose me in that thread.
I can't find a solid place to get the programs needed or follow where/how to rip the tracks.
I'm just not in the mood to deal with it all over 1 game. Even if that game happens to be Quake.
If someone who has done it was there to hold my hand maybe.
Just didn't know the purchase included the inconvenience. Like I said, had it been stated in the Desc.
You're welcome. I haven't read the whole thread but it seems really unfortunate that they had to remove the .ogg files...

CarrionCrow: Stupid game, telling me insane mode is impossible. The 150 in a row I just got begs to differ.
Which game made that bold statement?
Good Morning...
Been away, had the workload of a mad slave last night, came home very late. But it's the holiday now. All I gotta do is go buy a few bags of groceries and wines and enjoy the five free(ish) days :)
Have I missed anything brutally excellent? :P
Just caved in and bought Vampyre Story and Into the Dark from the horrible machinery outlet. But I'll buy them again if they come here ;)
Post edited December 23, 2015 by superstande
*lazy hugs and waves* :D
moonshineshadow: *lazy hugs and waves* :D
**lazy hugs and waves back**
**yawn**... is there any coffee left somewhere ?...
How are you doing, Moon ?...
moonshineshadow: *lazy hugs and waves* :D
Empress_Owl: **lazy hugs and waves back**
**yawn**... is there any coffee left somewhere ?...
How are you doing, Moon ?...
*big energising hug* Sorry, no coffee here :D
Doing fine :-) And you?
Good moaning.

Well I did it, I survived university life up to this point. I even had a law exam yesterday, and while not exactly confident I'm not in absolute despair either, let's just say I'm cautiously hopeful. Anyways after that, a couple of people in class got together to have a Christmas dinner and goof around while drinking in the street (it's a local thing) and I discovered something. Mainly that people half my age can be obnoxiously loud. Even more so if they're sauced up with liquor and joints.

So I'm now an old grumpy partypooper. Which is pretty much the same for me, the only thing that's changed is that I've gotten old.

Anyways enough of that. We have sales, let's make good use of them. Allons-y!

gets space-chem